32. A 48 years female presented with weight loss, and nausea for 2 months.
She had a history of exertional dyspnea, dry cough off and on and antitubercular treatment 2 years ago.
She also had history of low backache . She admits to polyuria and polydipsia.
Her laboratory findings showed :
a Serum alkaline phosphatase 918 IU/L (raised)
serum total calcium 14.6mg/dl (raised)
serum phosphate 4.1mg/dl , urea 63.5 mg/dl
creatinine 3.8 mg/dl
serum Na + 141.3meq/L, K + 4meq/L
24 hour urinary calcium 990 mg/day
serum iPTH- 14.3pg/ml ( reference value 15-65)
Serum angiotensin converting enzyme (SACE) level was 158 U/L (Reference value 8- 65).
QTc interval in electrocardiogram was 0.40sec. Ultrasound of the abdomen showed hepatosplenomegaly.
Her CT thorax is shown below
Image description
What is the most likely diagnosis?
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