Microbiology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs)Read moreGeneral Pediatric-related - MCQs 1-10600 Microbiology MCQs<<123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600>>6Basic Mycology MCQs666666666666666666666666666666666666667Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs77777777777778Classification of Viruses MCQs88888888888888888888888888888888889Clinical Virology MCQs99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999910Drugs and Vaccines MCQs1010101010101010101010101010101010101011Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs11111111111111111111111111111112Genetics of Viruses MCQs12121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121213Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs131313131313131314Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs1414141414141414141414141415Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs15151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151516Parasites MCQs16161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161617Pathogenesis MCQs1717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171717171718Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs18181818181818181818181818181819Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs19191919191919191919191919191919191919191920Structure of Viruses MCQs20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202021Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs2121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121 0%Question 1 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs1. The host for the Penicillium marneffe isA. bamboo ratsB. catsC. wild ratsD. bugsRead moreThe following represents an essential element to an effective quality council?Question 1 of 600Question 2 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs2. The infection of the keratinized layer of the skin is calledA. ChromomycosisB. Tinea nigraC. SporotrichosisD. Tinea versicolorQuestion 2 of 600Question 3 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs3. The causative agent for the ringworm isA. HistoplasmaB. EpidermatophytonC. Tinea nigraD. MycetomaQuestion 3 of 600Question 4 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs4. C. immitis is a dimorphic fungus i.e. it can exist as molds in soil and spherule in tissues hence termed asA. PolymorphicB. DiploidC. DimorphicD. DiplococcusQuestion 4 of 600Question 5 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs5. The habitat for the aspergillus across the world isA. WaterB. SoilC. MudD. StreamsQuestion 5 of 600Question 6 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs6. Tinea pedis is the scientific name of a foot disease that is commonly calledA. Skin rashB. Athlete s footC. Skin infectionD. RingwormQuestion 6 of 600Question 7 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs7. What is true about fungi?A. Eukaryotic organismsB. Prokaryotic organismC. AlgaeD. UnicellularQuestion 7 of 600Question 8 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs8. Sporothrix is a genus that causes a condition in a human named asA. BlastomycosisB. Tinea versicolorC. MycetomaD. SporotrichosisQuestion 8 of 600Question 9 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs9. Cryptococcus is transmitted in the form ofA. SporesB. HyphaeC. YeastD. ConidiaQuestion 9 of 600Question 10 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs10. A dermal infection especially caused by the dermophytes is calledA. Skin infectionB. Fungal infectionC. Dermal infectionD. DermatophytosesQuestion 10 of 600Question 11 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs11. The drug that binds with the Ergosterol in the cell membrane of the fungi and disrupts its function isA. Amphotericin BB. GriseofulvinC. NystatinD. TolnoflateQuestion 11 of 600Question 12 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs12. The natural habitat for the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isA. MudB. SkinC. WaterD. SoilQuestion 12 of 600Question 13 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs13. The hair nails and dead skin of epidermis are collectively named asA. Cutaneous structuresB. Systemic structuresC. OpportunisticD. Subcutaneous structuresQuestion 13 of 600Question 14 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs14. What is the portal of entry for Histoplasma?A. foodB. Inhalation into lungsC. waterD. skinQuestion 14 of 600Question 15 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs15. The study of fungi is calledA. VirologyB. ParasitologyC. MycologyD. ImmunologyQuestion 15 of 600Question 16 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs16. The causative agent for the Tinea nigra isA. HistoplasmaB. Malassezia furfurC. MycetomaD. Cladosporium werneckiiQuestion 16 of 600Question 17 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs17. Dermatophytosis is commonly known asA. Skin infectionB. Skin rashC. RingwormD. Nails infectionQuestion 17 of 600Question 18 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs18. Histoplasmosis is caused by the genusA. Coccidioide immitisB. Histoplasma capsulatumC. CandidaD. AspergillusQuestion 18 of 600Question 19 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs19. The cell wall of the fungi is made up ofA. PeptidoglycanB. ChitinC. CelluloseD. MurineQuestion 19 of 600Question 20 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs20. Rhizopus is a causative agent for theA. MucormycosisB. HistoplasmosisC. AspergillosisD. CandidiasisQuestion 20 of 600Question 21 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs21. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the causative agent forA. CandidiasisB. CoccidioidomycosisC. AspergillusD. South American blastomycosisQuestion 21 of 600Question 22 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs22. Internal organs of the body are known asA. Cutaneous structuresB. Subcutaneous structuresC. OpportunisticD. Systemic structuresQuestion 22 of 600Question 23 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs23. A network of fine white filaments in the vegetative part of the fungus is calledA. HyphaeB. ConidiaC. SeptaD. MyceliumQuestion 23 of 600Question 24 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs24. A genus named as coccidioides immitis responsible in causing a disease calledA. candidiasisB. CoccidioidomycosisC. aspergillosisD. histoplasmosisQuestion 24 of 600Question 25 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs25. The fungi that can grow either as mycelium or as yeast on temperature variation termed asA. Thermally activeB. Thermally dimorphicC. Heat sensitiveD. Thermal variationQuestion 25 of 600Question 26 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs26. A fungus that causes a tuberculosis type disease in AIDS patients is named asA. AspergillusB. Penicillium marneffeiC. Penicillium notatumD. Penicillium GQuestion 26 of 600Question 27 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs27. In fungi, a part of the normal flora of human is named asA. HistoplasmaB. CryptococcusC. CandidaD. CoccidioidesQuestion 27 of 600Question 28 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs28. Cryptococcal meningitis is caused byA. CryptococcusB. DimorphsC. Cryptococcus neoformansD. DiplococcusQuestion 28 of 600Question 29 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs29. Coccidioidomycosis is also called asA. Black feverB. Chache feverC. Death feverD. Valley feverQuestion 29 of 600Question 30 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs30. The drug that disrupts the mitotic spindle by binding to tubulin and liver toxicity is its side effect is named asA. AzolesB. Amphotericin BC. GriseofulvinD. TerbinafineQuestion 30 of 600Question 31 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs31. The diameter of candida is nearlyA. 2 µmB. 4 µmC. 6.4 µmD. 6 µmQuestion 31 of 600Question 32 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs32. Flucytosine is a drug that inhibits the DNA synthesis and its side effect isA. Stomach toxicityB. Liver toxicityC. Renal toxicityD. Bone marrow toxicityQuestion 32 of 600Question 33 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs33. Fungal cell wall along with chitin also composed of beta-glucan a long polymer ofA. PolysaccharidesB. D-GlucoseC. MonomersD. G-GlucoseQuestion 33 of 600Question 34 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs34. immune response to fungal infections is the formation ofA. ConidiaB. GranulesC. SporesD. GranulomasQuestion 34 of 600Question 35 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs35. Caspofungin is a drug that inhibits the synthesis ofA. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)B. D-GlucanC. Mitotic spindleD. ErgosterolQuestion 35 of 600Question 36 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs36. Fungi are categorized into two types that is yeasts andA. TicksB. BugsC. AlgaeD. MoldsQuestion 36 of 600Question 37 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs37. The fungal cell membrane in contrast to the human cell membrane is composed ofA. CholesterolB. SterolC. EgrosterolD. LipidsQuestion 37 of 600Question 38 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs38. Tinea nigra is treated withA. Sulphuric acidB. Salicylic acidC. Hydrochloric acidD. AlcoholQuestion 38 of 600Question 39 of 600 Loading...Basic Mycology MCQs39. Histoplasma is transmitted in the form ofA. ConidiaB. YeastC. MicroconidiaD. ArthrosporesQuestion 39 of 600Question 40 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs40. Borrelia is the causative agent forA. AlopeciaB. Lymph diseaseC. PneumoniaD. Whooping coughQuestion 40 of 600Question 41 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs41. Klebsilla E.coli Enterobacters and pseudomonas are causative agents forA. AnthraxB. PeritonitisC. CancerD. Urinary tract infectionsQuestion 41 of 600Question 42 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs42. The other name for pertussis isA. CoughB. FeverC. Cold coughD. Whooping coughQuestion 42 of 600Question 43 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs43. Corynebacterium is no-spore forming rod that causesA. DiphtheriaB. SyphilisC. PneumoniaD. Urinary tract infectionQuestion 43 of 600Question 44 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs44. The main reservoir for the bacteria Campylobacter isA. PoultryB. PigsC. HumanD. GoatsQuestion 44 of 600Question 45 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs45. Botulinum toxin produces in wounds and food causing a disease named as botulism that is produced byA. Clostridium sordelliiB. Clostridium tetaniC. Clostridium botulinumD. Bacillus anthracisQuestion 45 of 600Question 46 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs46. A wall-less aerobic and fried egg-shaped bacteria cause pneumonia named asA. TreponemaB. MycobacteriumC. Clostridium sordelliiD. MycoplasmaQuestion 46 of 600Question 47 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs47. Anthrax is caused by the gram-positive rod named asA. Bacillus cereusB. BacillusC. Bacillus sabtlisD. Bacillus anthracisQuestion 47 of 600Question 48 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs48. Urethritis is caused byA. ChlamydiaB. MycobacteriumC. ProteusD. VibrioQuestion 48 of 600Question 49 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs49. Absence of skin and other organs is a disease caused byA. MonococcusB. DiplococcusC. StaphylococcusD. StreptococcusQuestion 49 of 600Question 50 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs50. Pneumonia is caused byA. Legionella pneumophila onlyB. none of othersC. Mycoplasma pneumoniae onlyD. LegionQuestion 50 of 600Question 51 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs51. Meningitis is a disease of the brain which is caused byA. MeningococcusB. Haemophilus influenzaC. all of aboveD. Neisseria meningitidesQuestion 51 of 600Question 52 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs52. Syphilis is caused byA. LeptosiraB. BorreliaC. MycolasmaD. TreponemaQuestion 52 of 600Question 53 of 600 Loading...Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs53. Plague is caused mostly byA. Yersinia specieB. Serratia specieC. Brucella specieD. Shigella specieQuestion 53 of 600Question 54 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs54. What is the estimated diameter of Caliciviruses?A. 22 nmB. 38 nmC. 75 nmD. 45 nmQuestion 54 of 600Question 55 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs55. The human pathogens of the family of togaviruses include alphavirus andA. RubivirusB. CongovirusC. AdenovirusD. RotavirusQuestion 55 of 600Question 56 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs56. Rhabdoviruses are also named asA. Rabies virusB. Mumps virusC. RotavirusD. Measles virusQuestion 56 of 600Question 57 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs57. Poxviruses haveA. Brick like shapeB. Grapes like shapeC. Fried egg like shapeD. Beads shapedQuestion 57 of 600Question 58 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs58. What size reoviruses does have?A. 75 nmB. 22 nmC. 34 nmD. 45 nmQuestion 58 of 600Question 59 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs59. The human pathogen of family togaviruses isA. Papilloma virusB. Rubella virusC. PoliovirusD. RotavirusQuestion 59 of 600Question 60 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs60. The small naked single-stranded linear DNA virus having 22 nm size is calledA. AdenovirusB. PoxvirusC. ParvovirusD. PapovavirusQuestion 60 of 600Question 61 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs61. The member of a family Reoviruses that causes diarrhea in infants is calledA. PicornavirusB. CongovirusC. RotavirusD. hepadnavirusQuestion 61 of 600Question 62 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs62. Measles and mumps virus belongs to a family calledA. OrthomyxovirusesB. ArenavirusC. ParamyxovirusD. FilovirusQuestion 62 of 600Question 63 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs63. The human pathogen of a family arenavirus isA. Rabies virusB. Hepatitis delta virusC. Herpes virusD. Lassa virusQuestion 63 of 600Question 64 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs64. What type of shape Filoviruses have?A. PolymorphicB. Constant shapeC. PleomorphicD. Discrete shapeQuestion 64 of 600Question 65 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs65. The naked viruses with icosahedral symmetry having double-stranded supercoiled DNA are known asA. PoxvirusB. PapovavirusC. AdenovirusD. ParvovirusQuestion 65 of 600Question 66 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs66. In the family coronavirus, the word corona refers toA. ThreadB. WhipC. Prominent halo of spikesD. TailQuestion 66 of 600Question 67 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs67. The size of the delta virus isA. 67 nmB. 45 nmC. 37 nmD. 69 nmQuestion 67 of 600Question 68 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs68. The size of Orthomyxoviruses ranges fromA. 80-120 nmB. 40-560 nmC. 120-340 nmD. 20-110 nmQuestion 68 of 600Question 69 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs69. What is the size of adenovirus isA. 55 nmB. 22 nmC. 40 nmD. 75 nmQuestion 69 of 600Question 70 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs70. A human pathogen called Hantavirus belongs to a familyA. CoronavirusB. PicornavirusC. BunyavirusesD. RhabdovirusesQuestion 70 of 600Question 71 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs71. The symmetry of arenavirus isA. IcosahedralB. SpiralC. HelicalD. RoundQuestion 71 of 600Question 72 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs72. Hepatitis B virus is a member of a familyA. parvovirusB. hepadnavirusC. adenovirusD. papillomavirusQuestion 72 of 600Question 73 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs73. The word filo used in the name of family filoviruses resembles withA. RoundB. ThreadC. WrinkleD. WhipQuestion 73 of 600Question 74 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs74. The myxo used in the name of Orthomyxoviruses refers to the affinity of virus towardsA. MucansB. MucinsC. Mixed phenotypeD. MutationQuestion 74 of 600Question 75 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs75. What is the approximate size of the parvovirus?A. 22 nmB. 21 nmC. 23 nmD. 20 nmQuestion 75 of 600Question 76 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs76. The size of papovavirus isA. 56 nmB. 55 nmC. 22 nmD. 40nmQuestion 76 of 600Question 77 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs77. Severe acute respiratory syndrome in human is caused byA. ArenavirusB. RhabdovirusesC. PicornavirusD. CoronavirusQuestion 77 of 600Question 78 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs78. Herpesvirus is noted in causingA. ScratchesB. CancerC. Latent infectionD. ScrapieQuestion 78 of 600Question 79 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs79. The diameter of arenavirus ranges from 80 nm toA. 120 nmB. 150 nmC. 130 nmD. 160 nmQuestion 79 of 600Question 80 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs80. Parvovirus papovavirus and adenovirus are threeA. EnvelopedB. NakedC. CoatedD. CapsidQuestion 80 of 600Question 81 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs81. Dengue virus is the member of a family calledA. FlavivirusesB. hepadnavirusC. ParvovirusD. PicornavirusQuestion 81 of 600Question 82 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs82. Human Immunodeficiency Virus belongs to a family calledA. RetrovirusB. ReovirusC. ArenavirusD. OrthomyxovirusesQuestion 82 of 600Question 83 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs83. In Rhabdoviruses the term rhabdo refers to asA. Bread shapedB. Brick shapedC. Bullet shapedD. Bead shapedQuestion 83 of 600Question 84 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs84. The diameter of hepadnavirus isA. 23 nmB. 42 nmC. 55 nmD. 75 nmQuestion 84 of 600Question 85 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs85. What is the approximate size of the togaviruses?A. 54 nmB. 45 nmC. 60 nmD. 55 nmQuestion 85 of 600Question 86 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs86. In the family of Rhabdoviruses, the only human pathogens areA. Measles virusB. Mumps virusC. Rabies virusD. RotavirusQuestion 86 of 600Question 87 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs87. The diameter of herpesviruses isA. 100 nmB. 55 nmC. 23 nmD. 75 nmQuestion 87 of 600Question 88 of 600 Loading...Classification of Viruses MCQs88. The smallest RNA virus with a diameter 28 nm is calledA. ReovirusB. PapovavirusC. PicornavirusD. ParvovirusQuestion 88 of 600Question 89 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs89. Faecal-oral and respiratory tract is the mode of transmission forA. AdenovirusB. HerpesvirusC. EbolaD. Congo virusQuestion 89 of 600Question 90 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs90. The causative agent for the scrapie in sheep isA. ProteinsB. PrionC. ViroidD. VirionQuestion 90 of 600Question 91 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs91. Member of a family flavivirus isA. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)B. Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV)C. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)D. Hepatitis E Virus (HEV)Question 91 of 600Question 92 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs92. HBV belongs to the familyA. Delta virusB. FlavivirusC. HepdnavirusD. PiconavirusQuestion 92 of 600Question 93 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs93. Norovirus is a common cause ofA. BronchitisB. Mad cow diseaseC. GastroenteritisD. Skin rashQuestion 93 of 600Question 94 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs94. A disease that is characterized by the ataxia tremors and itching in sheep is known asA. VisnaB. ScrapieC. SpongiformD. Jackob diseaseQuestion 94 of 600Question 95 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs95. Echoviruses is similar in structure toA. HerpesvirusB. HantavirusC. EnterovirusD. AdenovirusQuestion 95 of 600Question 96 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs96. The transplacental and respiratory tract is a mode of transmission forA. Parvovirus B19B. HantavirusC. PoliovirusD. AdenovirusQuestion 96 of 600Question 97 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs97. Classical dengue is also known asA. FeverB. Death feverC. Breakbone feverD. CoughQuestion 97 of 600Question 98 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs98. Retroviruses are also called asA. Naked VirusesB. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Tumor virusC. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Tumor virusD. Enveloped virusesQuestion 98 of 600Question 99 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs99. HDV belongs to the familyA. Delta virusB. PiconavirusC. FlavivirusD. HepadnavirusQuestion 99 of 600Question 100 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs100. Kaposi s sarcoma is an opportunistic infection in AIDS patient and is its causative agent inA. JC virusB. Human papilloma virusC. Human herpesvirus 8D. CytomegalovirusQuestion 100 of 600Question 101 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs101. German measles is caused byA. Rubella virusB. CongovirusC. CoronavirusD. RotavirusQuestion 101 of 600Question 102 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs102. The virus that is well known in causing the latent infection is called asA. Influenza virusB. Hepatitis B virusC. Herpes virusD. AdenovirusQuestion 102 of 600Question 103 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs103. Smallpox virus is also known asA. EbolaB. varicella-zoster virusC. HerpesvirusD. Variola virusQuestion 103 of 600Question 104 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs104. The mode of transmission for the cache valley virus isA. Ades mosquitoB. Anopheles mosquitoC. all of aboveD. Culiseta mosquitoQuestion 104 of 600Question 105 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs105. HSV-1 stands forA. Human immunodeficiency virusB. Acquired immunodeficiency syndromeC. HerpesvirusD. Herpes simplex virus type 1Question 105 of 600Question 106 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs106. The size of togaviruses isA. 20 nmB. 70 nmC. 35 nmD. 80 nmQuestion 106 of 600Question 107 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs107. The viral gastroenteritis in young children is caused byA. Rotavirus onlyB. PoliovirusC. Reovirus onlyD. Reovirus and RotavirusQuestion 107 of 600Question 108 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs108. The virion lacksA. LigaseB. PolymeraseC. ProteaseD. TransferaseQuestion 108 of 600Question 109 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs109. The study of cancer is known asA. MicrobiologyB. OncologyC. PhysiologyD. PathologyQuestion 109 of 600Question 110 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs110. Ebola virus was identified inA. 1970B. 1979C. 1976D. 1977Question 110 of 600Question 111 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs111. Croup in young children is caused byA. Parainfluenza virusB. HerpesvirusC. Influenza B virusD. Influenza A virusQuestion 111 of 600Question 112 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs112. All herpesviruses haveA. Linear ShapeB. Icosahedral coreC. Helical structureD. Spiral shapeQuestion 112 of 600Question 113 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs113. The rubella virus causes infection in pregnant women known asA. Heart failureB. Congenital malformationC. Lungs carcinomaD. Bone deformitiesQuestion 113 of 600Question 114 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs114. A new group of rodent-borne viruses is named asA. Rabies virusB. RobovirusesC. ArbovirusesD. Rodent virusQuestion 114 of 600Question 115 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs115. What is the approximate size of the Orthomyxoviruses?A. 100 nmB. 120 nmC. 110 nmD. 130 nmQuestion 115 of 600Question 116 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs116. The mode of transmission for the dengue isA. Ades mosquitoB. Haemagogus mosquitoC. MonkeysD. PigsQuestion 116 of 600Question 117 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs117. The word cancer is derived from the Latin wordA. cowB. crabC. beesD. ticksQuestion 117 of 600Question 118 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs118. Slapped cheek syndrome is caused byA. Parvovirus B19B. PoxvirusC. PoliovirusD. AdenovirusQuestion 118 of 600Question 119 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs119. Rous sarcoma virus isA. Enveloped virusesB. Naked virusesC. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Tumor virusD. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Tumor virusQuestion 119 of 600Question 120 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs120. The alternative name for the hepatocellular carcinoma isA. LeukocytesB. LymphocytesC. HepatomaD. HepatocytesQuestion 120 of 600Question 121 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs121. The recurrent epidemics of the influenza is caused by theA. Influenza A virus onlyB. Influenza B virus onlyC. Influenza A and B virusD. Influenza C virusQuestion 121 of 600Question 122 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs122. In the name of the family Reovirus the word, reo refer toA. RespiratoryB. OrphansC. Respiratory enteric orphansD. EntericQuestion 122 of 600Question 123 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs123. Rabies is the condition caused by the bite ofA. Rabid animalsB. FleesC. TicksD. Mad cowsQuestion 123 of 600Question 124 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs124. In Africa and South America Jungle yellow fever is a disease ofA. MonkeysB. GoatsC. PigsD. CattlesQuestion 124 of 600Question 125 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs125. A common disease in infants that is characterized by transient rash and high fever is caused byA. HerpesvirusB. HantavirusC. Human herpesvirus 6D. Hendra virusQuestion 125 of 600Question 126 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs126. The common cold is caused by theA. ReovirusB. Hepatitis delta virusC. RhinovirusD. RhabdovirusesQuestion 126 of 600Question 127 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs127. The genome of the herpesvirus is linearA. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)B. single-stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)C. single-stranded Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)D. double-stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)Question 127 of 600Question 128 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs128. Marburg virus was first identified as a human pathogen inA. 1967B. 1960C. 1968D. 1987Question 128 of 600Question 129 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs129. A condition characterized by swelling in the gland is calledA. MumpsB. UlcerC. MeaslesD. InfluenzaQuestion 129 of 600Question 130 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs130. The leading cause of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infants isA. Influenza virusB. Respiratory syncytial virusC. Parvovirus B19D. Hepatitis B virusQuestion 130 of 600Question 131 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs131. Human urban yellow fever is transmitted byA. MonkeysB. RatsC. MosquitoD. PigsQuestion 131 of 600Question 132 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs132. A protein containing partial with no detachable nucleic acid are known asA. ProteinsB. ViroidC. VirionD. PrionsQuestion 132 of 600Question 133 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs133. Varicella-zoster virus is abbreviated asA. ZZVB. VZUC. ZUVD. VVUQuestion 133 of 600Question 134 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs134. The kidney carcinoma in frogs is implicated byA. AdenovirusB. HantavirusC. HerpesvirusD. PapovavirusQuestion 134 of 600Question 135 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs135. Other than warts some species of the papillomavirus may cause carcinoma of theA. ViginaB. CervixC. LungsD. UrethraQuestion 135 of 600Question 136 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs136. The epidemic encephalitis characterized by headache fever and caused byA. Japanese encephalitis virusB. Marburg virusC. Lassa virusD. Human herpesvirus 8Question 136 of 600Question 137 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs137. Hepatic carcinoma is caused by theA. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)B. Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)C. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)D. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)Question 137 of 600Question 138 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs138. Hendra virus is a human pathogen that is identified inA. 1991B. 1994C. 1998D. 1995Question 138 of 600Question 139 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs139. Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy is also known asA. sheep 's diseaseB. mad cow diseaseC. kuru diseaseD. mad dog diseaseQuestion 139 of 600Question 140 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs140. Papillomavirus are classified based on the DNA restriction fragmentA. TechniqueB. ProcedureC. AnalysisD. MethodsQuestion 140 of 600Question 141 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs141. A gene that may cause of initiation of cancer growth is known asA. OncogeneB. Mutated geneC. CarcinogenD. Hepatitis causing geneQuestion 141 of 600Question 142 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs142. Papovavirus is theA. Enveloped virusesB. Naked virusesC. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Tumor virusD. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Tumor virusQuestion 142 of 600Question 143 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs143. Conjunctivitis is caused byA. HantavirusB. TogavirusC. AdenovirusD. CoxackivirusQuestion 143 of 600Question 144 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs144. Norovirus is also known asA. RhabdovirusesB. RotavirusC. Norwalk virusD. PoliovirusQuestion 144 of 600Question 145 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs145. Korean hemorrhagic fever is caused by theA. HantavirusB. AdenovirusC. Cache valley virusD. Chikungunya virusQuestion 145 of 600Question 146 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs146. Arbovirus is classified into three main groups namely bunyaviruses togaviruses andA. FlavivirusesB. RobovirusC. Rodents virusD. EchovirusQuestion 146 of 600Question 147 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs147. Mode of transmission for the human papillomavirus is skin as well as aA. Sexual contactB. NoseC. EyesD. Respiratory tractQuestion 147 of 600Question 148 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs148. Noroviruses is the causative agent forA. MeaslesB. HeadacheC. GastroenteritisD. NauseaQuestion 148 of 600Question 149 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs149. In the transcription of the RNA genome into DNA, the involved gene is known asA. Gag geneB. Tat geneC. Pol geneD. Env geneQuestion 149 of 600Question 150 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs150. The way of transmission of an arbovirus isA. CattlesB. PigsC. ArthropodsD. MonkeysQuestion 150 of 600Question 151 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs151. A disease muscle twitching and lack of coordination occurs due to a prion known asA. MarasmusB. CancerC. TetanusD. Kuru diseaseQuestion 151 of 600Question 152 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs152. The paramyxovirus is a causative agent for severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia in young children named asA. Human MetapmeumovirusB. HantavirusC. Marburg virusD. Lassa virusQuestion 152 of 600Question 153 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs153. The natural host for the respiratory syncytial virus isA. GoatsB. HumanC. RatsD. PigsQuestion 153 of 600Question 154 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs154. The host for the poliomyelitis is limited toA. reptilesB. PrimatesC. AvesD. AmphibiansQuestion 154 of 600Question 155 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs155. Viral gastroenteritis in young children is caused byA. RotavirusB. Coxsackie virusC. EchovirusD. RhinovirusQuestion 155 of 600Question 156 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs156. In children the astrovirus causesA. VomitingB. Watery DiarrhoeaC. Brain inflammationD. Skin infectionQuestion 156 of 600Question 157 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs157. The pol gene is involved in the integration of viral DNA into the host cell with the help of an enzyme calledA. IntegraseB. ProteaseC. Reverse transcriptaseD. LigaseQuestion 157 of 600Question 158 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs158. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus causes T-cell leukemia inA. HumansB. MonkeysC. GoatsD. PigsQuestion 158 of 600Question 159 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs159. A disease in sheep characterized by demyelinating and pneumonia are known asA. PneumoniaB. MeaslesC. ScrapieD. VisnaQuestion 159 of 600Question 160 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs160. Which is true about the Ebola virus?A. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Tumor virusB. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) nonenveloped virusC. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) enveloped virusD. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) envelop virusQuestion 160 of 600Question 161 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs161. Cache Valley virus was first time isolated inA. 1948B. 1958C. 1955D. 1956Question 161 of 600Question 162 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs162. Varicella-zoster virus is transmitted by theA. MouthB. AerosolC. Genital organsD. Respiratory dropletsQuestion 162 of 600Question 163 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs163. Arthritis is a disease ofA. HairsB. EyesC. NoseD. JointsQuestion 163 of 600Question 164 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs164. Which is true about Astrovirus?A. Enveloped Ribonucleic acid (RNA) virusB. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) virusC. Nonenveloped Ribonucleic acid (RNA) virusD. PrionQuestion 164 of 600Question 165 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs165. The change in the shape growth properties and other features of the tumor cell is called asA. Malignant TumorB. Malignant transformation of cellC. Benign transformation the cellD. Benign TumorQuestion 165 of 600Question 166 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs166. Alphaviruses and Rubi viruses are families ofA. BunyavirusesB. TogavirusesC. FlavivirusesD. EchovirusQuestion 166 of 600Question 167 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs167. CMV is an abbreviation ofA. Cow virusB. Cauliflower virusC. Influenza virusD. CytomegalovirusQuestion 167 of 600Question 168 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs168. Majority of upper and lower respiratory tract infection is caused by theA. AdenovirusB. HantavirusC. Herpes simplex virus type 1D. PoliovirusQuestion 168 of 600Question 169 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs169. Burkitt s lymphoma in African children is caused byA. CongoB. Epstein-Barr virusC. Lassa virusD. EbolaQuestion 169 of 600Question 170 of 600 Loading...Clinical Virology MCQs170. The immune attack against the viral antigens on infected hepatocytes is mediated byA. Cytotoxic T cellB. LeukocytesC. ErythrocytesD. LymphocytesQuestion 170 of 600Question 171 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs171. A duration of time a specific antibody develops becoming detachable in the blood known asA. seroconversionB. antibody productionC. blood cultureD. serologyQuestion 171 of 600Question 172 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs172. Ganciclovir is an effective treatment againstA. BronchitisB. RetinitisC. ConjunctivitisD. CancerQuestion 172 of 600Question 173 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs173. The main side effect of the drug dideoxyinosine isA. Peripheral neuropathy onlyB. Pancreatitis onlyC. parasymphathetic neuropathyD. Pancreatitis and Peripheral neuropathyQuestion 173 of 600Question 174 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs174. Ganciclovir has a structure that is similar toA. AcyclovirB. SelzentryC. VidarabineD. AmantadineQuestion 174 of 600Question 175 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs175. An approved drug for hepatitis B in adults known asA. DelavirdineB. TenofovirC. EfavirenzD. EntecavirQuestion 175 of 600Question 176 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs176. Cidofovir is a nucleoside analog of cytosine lacksA. PurineB. Hydrogen bondsC. Ribose sugarD. Phosphate groupQuestion 176 of 600Question 177 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs177. Ziagen is a drug that is also called asA. AbacavirB. EfavirenzC. DelavirdineD. TenofovirQuestion 177 of 600Question 178 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs178. The replication of the influenza A virus is inhibited byA. VidarabineB. AcyclovirC. AmantadineD. GanciclovirQuestion 178 of 600Question 179 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs179. Enfuvirtide is an alternative name ofA. AcyclovirB. FuzeonC. SelzentryD. VidarabineQuestion 179 of 600Question 180 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs180. The drug used against chronic active hepatitis isA. EfavirenzB. AbacavirC. AdefovirD. TenofovirQuestion 180 of 600Question 181 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs181. Stavudine is the drug that inhibits the synthesis ofA. PeptidesB. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)C. ProteinsD. Ribonucleic acid (RNA)Question 181 of 600Question 182 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs182. The main side effect of the drug cidofovir isA. MeningitisB. RetinitisC. Heart failureD. Kidney failureQuestion 182 of 600Question 183 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs183. The entry of HIV in the cell is blocked by theA. EnfuvirtideB. MaravirocC. GanciclovirD. AmantadineQuestion 183 of 600Question 184 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs184. The main side effect of the drug ganciclovir includes leukopenia andA. GoutB. ThrombocytopeniaC. Lock jawD. Disk slipQuestion 184 of 600Question 185 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs185. Rescriptor is an alternative name forA. AbacavirB. EfavirenzC. DelavirdineD. TenofovirQuestion 185 of 600Question 186 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs186. The main side effect of the nevirapine isA. CancerB. Skin rashC. Skin infectionD. HepatitisQuestion 186 of 600Question 187 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs187. The attachment of the erythrocytes to the surface of the virally infected cell is termed asA. HemadsorptionB. Complement fixationC. NeutralizationD. InterferenceQuestion 187 of 600Question 188 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs188. Entecavir is aA. Guanosine analogueB. Thymine analogueC. Alanine analogueD. Cytosine analogueQuestion 188 of 600Question 189 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs189. What is true about Amantadine?A. 6 ring compoundB. 3 ring compoundC. 2 ring compoundD. 5 ring compoundQuestion 189 of 600Question 190 of 600 Loading...Drugs and Vaccines MCQs190. Entecavir has no activity againstA. LigaseB. ProteaseC. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) polymeraseD. TransferaseQuestion 190 of 600Question 191 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs191. Within the bacterial cells, the transfer of DNA is carried out throughA. InsertionB. Programmed rearrangementsC. DeletionsD. ConjugationsQuestion 191 of 600Question 192 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs192. The substitutions that prematurely stops the synthesis of protein by generating the stop codon called asA. AlternationB. Frameshift mutationC. Nonsense mutationD. Missense mutationQuestion 192 of 600Question 193 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs193. Recipient bacteria in conjugation are usuallyA. E.ColiB. BacteriumC. Female bacteriumD. Male bacteriumQuestion 193 of 600Question 194 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs194. The transfer of DNA mediated by bacteriophage is called asA. MatingB. TransductionC. TransformationD. ConjugationsQuestion 194 of 600Question 195 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs195. The transfer of DNA from one bacterial cell to another is carried out byA. ConjugationB. all of aboveC. TransductionD. TransformationQuestion 195 of 600Question 196 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs196. Transfer of DNA from one cell to another is known asA. TransductionB. MatingC. ConjugationsD. TransformationQuestion 196 of 600Question 197 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs197. When one or more base pair are deleted or added in the sequence shifts the reading frame on the ribosome calledA. Frameshift mutationB. Missense mutationC. Substitution mutationD. Nonsense mutationQuestion 197 of 600Question 198 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs198. If a base replaces by another base pair sequence the mutation the resulting replacement is known asA. MissenseB. SubstitutionC. AlternationD. NonsenseQuestion 198 of 600Question 199 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs199. During conjugation, the process of mating is controlled byA. F plasmidB. all of aboveC. Fertility plasmidD. F factoredQuestion 199 of 600Question 200 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs200. A minor change in the sequence of base pairs is calledA. MutationsB. DefectsC. AlternationD. DeletionsQuestion 200 of 600Question 201 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs201. What are the approximate numbers of base pairs of bacterial DNA?A. 5 x 10(to the power of 6)B. 5 x 10(to the power of 10)C. 5 x 10(to the power of 8)D. 5 x 10(to the power of 11)Question 201 of 600Question 202 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs202. The process of mating through which two bacterial cells transfer their DNA a cell acts as a host while other as the recipient the process is known asA. TransductionB. MatingC. ConjugationsD. TransformationQuestion 202 of 600Question 203 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs203. A wall-less mycoplasma having the molecular weight approximatelyA. 5 x 10(to the power of 11)B. 5 x 10(to the power of 10)C. 5 x 10(to the power of 6)D. 5 x 10(to the power of 8)Question 203 of 600Question 204 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs204. Pilin is an important protein that forms the conjugation tube during the process of conjugation the process is named asA. PilinB. Pilin tubeC. TubeD. PilusQuestion 204 of 600Question 205 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs205. The genetic material of the bacteria is composed of a single-strandedA. Coiled Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)B. Ladder like Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)C. Circular Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)D. Linear Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)Question 205 of 600Question 206 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Bacterial Cells MCQs206. The bacteria composed single chromosomes having a single copy of the gene known asA. DiploidB. PolyploidyC. HaploidD. MonoploidQuestion 206 of 600Question 207 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs207. The poliovirus have single-stranded RNA ofA. NeutralB. Positive polarityC. Negative polarityD. BipolarQuestion 207 of 600Question 208 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs208. Site of attachment of the rabies virus isA. Acetylcholine receptorB. Fibroblast receptorC. Wall receptorD. CD4 proteins on T lymphocytesQuestion 208 of 600Question 209 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs209. Gag and pol are viralA. NucleocapsidB. Function unitC. SubunitsD. Structural proteinsQuestion 209 of 600Question 210 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs210. If the viral DNA integrates into the host cell chromosomes with no progeny production the process is calledA. Translational cycleB. Replicative cycleC. Lytic cycleD. Lysogenic cycleQuestion 210 of 600Question 211 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs211. If a cell is infected by a virus the calculated time to replicate it is approximatelyA. 10 hoursB. 4 hoursC. 8 hoursD. 12 hoursQuestion 211 of 600Question 212 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs212. The viral DNA replicates inA. VacuoleB. NucleusC. MitochondriaD. CytoplasmQuestion 212 of 600Question 213 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs213. All the RNA viruses contain single-stranded RNA exceptA. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)B. ReovirusC. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)D. RetrovirusQuestion 213 of 600Question 214 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs214. The mutations that are valuable in determining the function of the viral gene is calledA. Conditional lethal mutationB. Point mutationC. SubstitutionD. Frameshift mutationQuestion 214 of 600Question 215 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs215. The process one or both viruses infect the cells having mutation and produced the nonfictional pro- tein called asA. ComplementationB. TransductionC. RecombinationD. ReassortmentQuestion 215 of 600Question 216 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs216. A sudden change in the sequence of DNA or RNA is calledA. MutationB. ChangeC. AlterationD. TransductionQuestion 216 of 600Question 217 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs217. The segment of RNA that have both negative and positive polarity regions is known asA. NeutralB. AmbisenseC. DipolarD. MonopolarQuestion 217 of 600Question 218 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs218. A particular family of viruses that is diploid known asA. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)B. PoliovirusC. RetrovirusD. ReovirusQuestion 218 of 600Question 219 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs219. Between two chromosomes the exchange of gene is called asA. RecombinationB. Point mutationC. MutationD. InteractionQuestion 219 of 600Question 220 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs220. The integration of viral DNA into the cell DNA results in a structure named asA. PrionB. Viral genomeC. ProphageD. VirionQuestion 220 of 600Question 221 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs221. Parvoviruses composed ofA. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)B. double-stranded RNAC. double-stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)D. single-stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)Question 221 of 600Question 222 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs222. The retrovirus and influenza virus replicates inA. NucleasesB. NucleusC. CytoplasmD. MitochondriaQuestion 222 of 600Question 223 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs223. Which DNA does not have a double-strand DNA?A. PoxvirusesB. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)C. ParvovirusesD. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)Question 223 of 600Question 224 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs224. The replicative cycle of most of the viruses is completed inA. NucleasesB. CytoplasmC. NucleusD. MitochondriaQuestion 224 of 600Question 225 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs225. In the therapeutic process, the nucleic acid is delivered in the patient s cell as a drug to recover a dis- ease the process is known asA. drug therapyB. physiotherapyC. gene therapyD. chemotherapyQuestion 225 of 600Question 226 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs226. The site of attachment for HIV isA. Acetylcholine receptorB. Fibroblast receptorC. CD4 proteins on T lymphocytesD. Wall receptorQuestion 226 of 600Question 227 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs227. The process of viruses or viral vectors in combination with foreign viral envelope producing proteins known asA. exchangeB. phenotypingC. genotypingD. PseudotypingQuestion 227 of 600Question 228 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs228. After completion of a viral replication cycle, the number of progeny in the host cell is approximatelyA. 200 virionB. 40 virionC. 50 virionD. 100 virionQuestion 228 of 600Question 229 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs229. When the exchange of segment between the viruses having segmented genome the process is known asA. ReassortmentB. RecombinationC. TranslationD. TransferQuestion 229 of 600Question 230 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs230. The first step of the viral replication cycle isA. DoublingB. Uncoating of viral genomeC. AttachmentD. PenetrationQuestion 230 of 600Question 231 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs231. In the viral gene expression, the first step is the synthesis ofA. ProteinsB. Transfer Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)C. Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)D. Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)Question 231 of 600Question 232 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs232. The enzymes reverse transcriptase is coded byA. Vif geneB. Pol geneC. Tat geneD. Gag geneQuestion 232 of 600Question 233 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs233. The example of a single-stranded RNA virus with negative polarity isA. ParvovirusesB. PoxvirusC. MyxovirusD. PoliovirusQuestion 233 of 600Question 234 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs234. During the process of complementation, the helping virus mediate the replication in theA. PrionB. VirionC. ViroidD. Defective virusQuestion 234 of 600Question 235 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs235. The process by which virus transfer the gene from one cell to another calledA. ReplicationB. TransductionC. TranslationD. TransferQuestion 235 of 600Question 236 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs236. The transcription of RNA to double-stranded DNA is catalyzed by the enzymeA. Reverse TranscriptaseB. LigaseC. TranscriptaseD. PolymeraseQuestion 236 of 600Question 237 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs237. The inability to replicate in certain viruses providing an ultimate advantage in theA. Gene therapyB. Drug therapyC. ChemotherapyD. PhysiotherapyQuestion 237 of 600Question 238 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs238. Poxviruses replicate inA. MitochondriaB. NucleusC. VacuoleD. CytoplasmQuestion 238 of 600Question 239 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs239. All viruses replicate in DNA exceptA. PoxvirusesB. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)C. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)D. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)Question 239 of 600Question 240 of 600 Loading...Genetics of Viruses MCQs240. If a cell has acquired new character as a result of integrated prophage the process is called asA. ReplicationB. Lytic cycleC. Lysogenic conversionD. Lysogenic cycleQuestion 240 of 600Question 241 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs241. The reproduction of bacteria usually undergoes aA. binary fissionB. asexual reproductionC. sexual reproductionD. buddingQuestion 241 of 600Question 242 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs242. Mycobacterium tuberculosis doubles their generation in a calculated time interval ofA. 36 hoursB. 20 minutesC. 20 hoursD. 24 hoursQuestion 242 of 600Question 243 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs243. The minimum time for doubling of E. Coli generation is approximatelyA. 30 minutesB. 40 minutesC. I hourD. 20 minutesQuestion 243 of 600Question 244 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs244. Clostridium tetanus is an example ofA. AerobesB. Obligate anaerobesC. Obligate aerobesD. Facultative aerobesQuestion 244 of 600Question 245 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs245. In the death phase, there is a remarkable decrease in the number ofA. ProgenyB. Viable bacteriaC. BacteriaD. Dividing bacteriaQuestion 245 of 600Question 246 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs246. In binary fission, the parent cell divides to formA. 8 progeny cellsB. 4 progeny cellsC. 2 progeny cellsD. 16 progeny cellQuestion 246 of 600Question 247 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs247. The bacteria that depend on oxygen for their ATP generation is calledA. AnaerobesB. Facultative aerobesC. AerobesD. Obligate aerobesQuestion 247 of 600Question 248 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs248. In bacterial growth, the growth rate slowed down due to toxic products or depletion of nutrients the re- sulting phase is known asA. Lag phaseB. Stationary phaseC. Death phaseD. Log phaseQuestion 248 of 600Question 249 of 600 Loading...Growth of Bacterial Cells MCQs249. The phase of bacterial growth in which the bacterial parent cell does not divide but the metabolic activ- ity is vigorous named asA. Death phaseB. Log phaseC. Stationary phaseD. Lag phaseQuestion 249 of 600Question 250 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs250. An important mediator of the pain isA. HistamineB. BradykininC. ProstaglandinD. ChemokinesQuestion 250 of 600Question 251 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs251. When tuberculosis and pneumonia is suspected diagnosis is carried out in the laboratory by usingA. Blood cultureB. Throat cultureC. Urine cultureD. Sputum cultureQuestion 251 of 600Question 252 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs252. When phagocytes attack the infectious particles for destruction the process is called asA. DefenseB. PathogenesisC. OpsonizationD. DestructionQuestion 252 of 600Question 253 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs253. When meningitis is suspected the test for diagnosis is carried out known asA. Spinal fluid cultureB. Urine cultureC. Sputum cultureD. Stool CultureQuestion 253 of 600Question 254 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs254. If an antibody injects in the human body for the protection against the foreign agent the resulting immunity isA. Defense mechanismB. Active immunityC. Drug therapyD. Passive immunityQuestion 254 of 600Question 255 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs255. For infection skin and mucous membranes acting as aA. DefensesB. Chemical barrierC. ImmunityD. Physical barrierQuestion 255 of 600Question 256 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs256. A small polypeptide attract the neutrophils and macrophages towards infection site named asA. PhagocytesB. ProstaglandinC. Gamma cellsD. ChemokinesQuestion 256 of 600Question 257 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs257. Shigella and Campylobacter are isolated byA. Urine cultureB. Spinal fluid cultureC. Blood cultureD. Stool CultureQuestion 257 of 600Question 258 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs258. Staphylococcus aureus is mostly isolated fromA. Throat cultureB. Blood cultureC. Urine cultureD. Sputum cultureQuestion 258 of 600Question 259 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs259. Beta hemolytic streptococci are primarily detected by the help ofA. Urine cultureB. Sputum cultureC. Throat cultureD. Blood cultureQuestion 259 of 600Question 260 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs260. Important phagocytes responses to inflammation included macrophages andA. HistamineB. NeutrophilsC. BradykininD. BasophilsQuestion 260 of 600Question 261 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs261. Urine culture is used when a person is suspected with a disease known asA. Whooping coughB. FeverC. CystitisD. PneumoniaQuestion 261 of 600Question 262 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs262. Neisseria gonorrhoeae Treponema pallidum and chlamydia trachomatis are isolated from theA. Sputum cultureB. Stool cultureC. Urine cultureD. Genital tract cultureQuestion 262 of 600Question 263 of 600 Loading...Host Defenses and Laboratory Diagnosis MCQs263. If the person s defense mechanism produces antibodies against the infection or vaccination the immunity is termed asA. Defense mechanismB. Passive immunityC. Active immunityD. Drug therapyQuestion 263 of 600Question 264 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs264. Inflammation of the digestive tract due to infections by bacterial pathogen Y. enterovolitica is called asA. EnterocolitisB. InflammationC. AnorexiaD. Lack of apatiteQuestion 264 of 600Question 265 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs265. The rat-bite fever is caused byA. EikenellaB. Spirillum minorC. Yersinia enterocoliticaD. Streptobacillus moniliformisQuestion 265 of 600Question 266 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs266. A typical mycobacterium produces yellow-orange pigmented colonies exposed to UV rays named asA. Non chromogensB. PhotochromogensC. Rapidly growing mycobacteriumD. ScotochromogensQuestion 266 of 600Question 267 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs267. The common name for the tetanus isA. Locked jawB. HeadacheC. FeverD. scurvyQuestion 267 of 600Question 268 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs268. A coccobacillus rod that is found in soil and water is named asA. AeromonasB. AcintobacterC. AchromobacterD. ActinobacillusQuestion 268 of 600Question 269 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs269. The ant phagocytic capsule of Bacillus anthracis composed ofA. PeptideB. D-glutamateC. CarbohydratesD. PolypeptideQuestion 269 of 600Question 270 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs270. Chlamydiae are obligate organisms that can grow only within the cell and hence areA. Environmental loversB. IntracellularC. EndogenicD. ExogenicQuestion 270 of 600Question 271 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs271. A pathogen that produces a purple color pigment is named asA. ChromobacteriumB. CardiobacteriumC. EdwardsiellaD. CitrobacterQuestion 271 of 600Question 272 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs272. The rat fever is also known asA. AnginaB. SodokuC. ulcersD. GastritisQuestion 272 of 600Question 273 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs273. In the category of the minor pathogen, a specie that is found in faces of chickens and other domestic animals is named asA. AeromonasB. ActinobacillusC. AcintobacterD. ArizonaQuestion 273 of 600Question 274 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs274. Mycoplasmas are free-living and small organisms having a size approximatelyA. 0.2 µmB. 0.3 µmC. 0.4 µmD. 0.5 µmQuestion 274 of 600Question 275 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs275. The habitat for the Actinomycetes israelii isA. Genital tractB. Oral cavityC. Anal canalD. SkinQuestion 275 of 600Question 276 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs276. Bacteroides fragillis is a specie of bacteria that is present in the colon ofA. AvesB. RatsC. GoatsD. HumanQuestion 276 of 600Question 277 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs277. The wound infection caused by the Pasteurella multocida is associated with the bite ofA. Dog onlyB. Cat onlyC. foxD. cat and dogQuestion 277 of 600Question 278 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs278. A gram variable a facultative rod that is the causative agent for bacterial vaginosis is named asA. FusobacteriumB. EubacteriaC. Gardnerella vaginalisD. EikenellaQuestion 278 of 600Question 279 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs279. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is found inA. Normal floraB. SoilC. MudD. WaterQuestion 279 of 600Question 280 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs280. Mode of transmission for the B. Burgdorferi isA. ParasitesB. Tick biteC. Louse biteD. Sexual contactQuestion 280 of 600Question 281 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs281. The cardio bacterium is the member of human normal flora and is found inA. MouthB. ColonC. Genital organD. Anal canalQuestion 281 of 600Question 282 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs282. A gram-negative rod known as K. kingae is part of human normal flora and is found inA. VaginaB. ColonC. OropharynxD. Anal canalQuestion 282 of 600Question 283 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs283. The Actinomycetes that causes abscesses in the brain and kidney in immunodeficient patients areA. Nocardia asteroidsB. M. lepraeC. Actinomycetes israeliiD. M. marinumQuestion 283 of 600Question 284 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs284. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is anA. Obligate anaerobeB. Obligate aerobeC. AerobeD. AnaerobeQuestion 284 of 600Question 285 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs285. Endocarditis is the infection caused by theA. ActinobacillusB. AcintobacterC. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitansD. AchromobacterQuestion 285 of 600Question 286 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs286. Rat-bitee fever in humans is caused byA. Spirillum minor and Streptobacillus moniliformisB. Spirillum minor onlyC. Streptobacillus moniliformis onlyD. streptococcusQuestion 286 of 600Question 287 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs287. Lactobacillus is a human pathogen that is also part of normal flora and found inA. Genital Tract of femaleB. MouthC. all of aboveD. ColonQuestion 287 of 600Question 288 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs288. Ehrlichia equi is also known asA. Anaplasma phagocytophilumB. CitrobacterC. E. coliD. E. chaffeensisQuestion 288 of 600Question 289 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs289. The mode of transmission for the Yersinia pestis isA. Cat's stretchB. Flea's biteC. Dog's biteD. Rodent biteQuestion 289 of 600Question 290 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs290. Q fever was first described inA. 1935B. 1983C. 1944D. 1923Question 290 of 600Question 291 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs291. Candida Albicans present as normal flora in mouth colon andA. VaginaB. UterusC. SkinD. IntestineQuestion 291 of 600Question 292 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs292. An opportunistic pathogen that causes pneumonia and sepsis in humans associated with hospitals known asA. AlcalligenesB. CompylobacterC. ChromobacterD. GranulomaQuestion 292 of 600Question 293 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs293. Viridians streptococci are residing in human mouth andA. Mucosal membraneB. NasopharynxC. SkinD. NoseQuestion 293 of 600Question 294 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs294. Mycoplasma form colonies that resemble in shape withA. BreadB. CreamC. FungiD. Fried eggQuestion 294 of 600Question 295 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs295. The golden color of the S. aureus is due to the pigment named asA. XanthophyllB. ChloroplastC. ChromoplastD. CarotenoidsQuestion 295 of 600Question 296 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs296. An alternative name for the Pseudomonas pseudomallei isA. H. pyloriB. FlavobacteriumC. Buskholderia pseudomalleiD. PseudomonasQuestion 296 of 600Question 297 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs297. Q fever is caused by an obligate intracellular organism named asA. Ehrlichia chaffeensisB. Rickettsia rickettsialC. Rickettsia akariD. Coxiella burnetiiQuestion 297 of 600Question 298 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs298. Actinomycetes are known asA. FungiB. True bacteriaC. EubacteriaD. AlgaeQuestion 298 of 600Question 299 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs299. Nose and skin are the best anatomic location forA. Bacteroides speciesB. Gardnerrella vaginalisC. Staphylococcus aureusD. EnterococcusQuestion 299 of 600Question 300 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs300. The natural host for the Chlamydiae trachomatis isA. HumanB. PigsC. CatsD. RatsQuestion 300 of 600Question 301 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs301. Birds are the host forA. C. pneumoniaeB. C. trachomatisC. ChlamydiaD. C. psittaciQuestion 301 of 600Question 302 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs302. M. fortuitum-chelonian is aA. ParasiteB. HerbivorousC. AutotrophD. SaprophyteQuestion 302 of 600Question 303 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs303. The main site for infection for M. leprae is skin andA. MucousB. MembraneC. NervesD. Nucleic acidQuestion 303 of 600Question 304 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs304. Anthrax is a disease caused by Bacillus anthracis that is common in most animals but rare inA. AlgaeB. HumanC. FungiD. BirdsQuestion 304 of 600Question 305 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs305. Erythrasma is caused byA. ErwiniaB. CitrobacterC. EhrlichiaD. Corynebactterium minutissimumQuestion 305 of 600Question 306 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs306. Leprosy is caused byA. Mycobacterium tuberculosisB. Yersinia pestisC. MycobacteriumD. Mycobacterium lepraeQuestion 306 of 600Question 307 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs307. Human diseases acquired by the animals are known asA. InfectionsB. ZoonosisC. SyndromeD. DisordersQuestion 307 of 600Question 308 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs308. The causative agent for the neonatal meningitis isA. KlebsillaB. ShigellaC. ProteusD. E.coliQuestion 308 of 600Question 309 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs309. Only humans are infected by H. influenzae and they have noA. SerotypeB. Animal reservoirC. AntigenD. CapsuleQuestion 309 of 600Question 310 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs310. Anatomic location for clostridium species isA. Urinary tractB. ColonC. SkinD. MouthQuestion 310 of 600Question 311 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs311. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes are two medically important genera of gram- positive cocci known asA. FermenterB. SpirocheteC. Human pathogensD. RodsQuestion 311 of 600Question 312 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs312. A sexually transmitted disease that is characterized by the destruction of bones and soft tissues, as well as genital ulceration, is known asA. OsteoporosisB. CancerC. Granuloma inguinaleD. UlcerQuestion 312 of 600Question 313 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs313. A virus bacteria or any other microorganism that can cause the disease is calledA. PathogensB. MicrobesC. BacteriaD. VirusQuestion 313 of 600Question 314 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs314. M. tuberculosis is transmitted from person to person throughA. Respiratory aerosolB. TouchC. Faecal dischargeD. Intimate contactQuestion 314 of 600Question 315 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs315. Reticuloendothelial system of humans includes bone marrow spleen liver andA. Lymph nodesB. JointsC. Synovial fluidD. MucousQuestion 315 of 600Question 316 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs316. Lactobacillus species are present in the adult women'sA. BreastB. SkinC. MouthD. VaginaQuestion 316 of 600Question 317 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs317. The main site for the S. aureus colonization isA. NoseB. MucousC. EyeD. SkinQuestion 317 of 600Question 318 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs318. Fish tank granuloma is a disease that is caused byA. M. lepraeB. M. marinumC. M. tuberculosisD. M. kanasiiQuestion 318 of 600Question 319 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs319. A sexually transmitted disease develops chancre on the genitals organs of women and characterized by pain during intercourse and urination known asA. Lymph nodesB. LymphomaC. UlcerD. ChancroidQuestion 319 of 600Question 320 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs320. Periodontal infections are caused by theA. PorphyromonasB. MoraxellaC. RhodococcusD. PeptococcusQuestion 320 of 600Question 321 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs321. The inflammatory disease of the middle ear caused by Moraxella species is known asA. Hearing impairmentB. Ear disorderC. Otitis mediaD. DeafnessQuestion 321 of 600Question 322 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs322. Veillonella is the part of normal flora in human and is found in colon mouth andA. VaginaB. EyesC. SkinD. AnusQuestion 322 of 600Question 323 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs323. Enteric fever is caused byA. SalmonellaB. E. coliC. PseudomonasD. S. aureusQuestion 323 of 600Question 324 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs324. The causative agent for acne in teenagers is caused byA. PeptococcusB. PorphyromonasC. PleisomonasD. Propionibacterium aceneQuestion 324 of 600Question 325 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs325. Gardnerella vaginalis is the specie that is located inA. UretheraB. VaginaC. Urinary tractD. UterusQuestion 325 of 600Question 326 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs326. Atypical mycobacterium that can produce colonies in the dark are named asA. Rapidly growing mycobacteriumB. Non chromogensC. ScotochromogensD. PhotochromogensQuestion 326 of 600Question 327 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs327. A pore-forming toxin that especially damages the white blood cells are known asA. ExfoliatinB. P-V leukocidinC. ExotoxinD. EnterotoxinsQuestion 327 of 600Question 328 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs328. For M. tuberculosis the initial site for the infection isA. MucousB. Nucleic acidC. SkinD. LungsQuestion 328 of 600Question 329 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs329. Q fever was first described byA. Robert HookB. Camel fisherC. Robert brownD. Edward Holbrook DerrickQuestion 329 of 600Question 330 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs330. M. tuberculosis multiplies and survives within a cellular vacuole named asA. Food vacuoleB. OsteocytesC. PhagocytesD. PhagosomesQuestion 330 of 600Question 331 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs331. Arachnia species are primarily found in tonsillar crypt andA. eyesB. mouthC. noseD. skinQuestion 331 of 600Question 332 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs332. Plasmids that encode the beta-lactamase have a specialty of around about 90 percent ofA. DiplococcusB. S. aureusC. S. pyogeneD. BacilliQuestion 332 of 600Question 333 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs333. A disease caused by the Brucella species named as brucellosis is also named asA. Cold feverB. Undulant FeverC. FeverD. Haemorrhagic feverQuestion 333 of 600Question 334 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs334. Food poisoning caused by S. aureus is characterized by non-bloody diarrhea and vomiting due to a toxin named asA. ExotoxinsB. EndotoxinsC. Foreign bodiesD. EnterotoxinsQuestion 334 of 600Question 335 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs335. Proteus spp are present inA. mouthB. skinC. colonD. vaginaQuestion 335 of 600Question 336 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs336. For the meningococcal infection, the drug of choice isA. Pencillin GB. Beta lactamC. CephalosporinsD. PencillinQuestion 336 of 600Question 337 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs337. An inflammation caused by the Y. enteroclolitica in the mesenteric lymph nodes in the abdomen named asA. EnterocolititisB. InflammationC. AnorexiaD. Mesentric adentitisQuestion 337 of 600Question 338 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs338. Nontuberculous mycobacteria are those that do not infect lungs and are also called asA. Neutral bacteriaB. Non disease causingC. Facultative bacteriaD. Atypical bacteriaQuestion 338 of 600Question 339 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs339. Lethal factor and edema factors are two exotoxins collectively named asA. EnterotoxinsB. ExotoxinsC. Anthrax toxinsD. EndotoxinsQuestion 339 of 600Question 340 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs340. Spirochetes are flexible thin-walledA. none of othersB. CocciC. Spiral rodsD. Comma shaped cocciQuestion 340 of 600Question 341 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs341. The other name for the plague isA. Black feverB. Black coughC. Whooping coughD. Black deathQuestion 341 of 600Question 342 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs342. If an anaerobic gram-positive coccus occurs in a group of four or eight the resulting arrangement is known asA. diplococcusB. streptococcusC. sarcinaD. TetardQuestion 342 of 600Question 343 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs343. Coxiella burnetii is found everywhere in the world exceptA. EnglandB. BangladeshC. South AfricaD. New ZealandQuestion 343 of 600Question 344 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs344. M. fortuitum-chelonian is a mycobacterium that rarely causes disease inA. RatsB. PigsC. HumanD. GoatsQuestion 344 of 600Question 345 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs345. Brucella enters the human body either by the ingestion of contaminated milk or throughA. NoseB. EyesC. MucousD. SkinQuestion 345 of 600Question 346 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs346. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the Bacillus that infects approximately world sA. One third populationB. Half populationC. One forth populationD. Whole populationQuestion 346 of 600Question 347 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs347. What is the most distinguishing feature of the mycoplasma?A. SaprophyteB. MarineC. Ozone layer habitatD. Wall lessQuestion 347 of 600Question 348 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs348. PPD stands forA. Purified proteinsB. Purified lipid derivativesC. Purified protein derivativesD. Purified peptides derivativesQuestion 348 of 600Question 349 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs349. In Q fever the word Q is used to denoteA. QuestionB. QuotationC. QueryD. QualityQuestion 349 of 600Question 350 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs350. Actinomycetes are long chain-forming bacteria that resembles in structure withA. algaeB. angiospermC. gymnospermD. hyphae of fungiQuestion 350 of 600Question 351 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs351. N. gonorrhea enters the body throughA. Nose of humansB. Genital tractC. Eyes of humansD. Respiratory tractQuestion 351 of 600Question 352 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs352. Gram-negative rods that do not ferment lactose isA. KlebsillaB. SalmonellaC. BacillusD. Bacillus sabtlisQuestion 352 of 600Question 353 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs353. A bacterial pathogen gram-negative coccobacillus found in water supplies known asA. AcintobacterB. AeromonasC. AchromobacterD. ActinobacillusQuestion 353 of 600Question 354 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs354. A large loosely coiled spirochete that causes lymph disease is known asA. T. pallidumB. B. burgdorferiC. B. recurrentisD. L. interrogansQuestion 354 of 600Question 355 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs355. Trimethoprim-sulfa is the drug of choice forA. AnginaB. Whooping coughC. Death feverD. Whipple's diseaseQuestion 355 of 600Question 356 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs356. M.pneumoniae is the pathogenic mycoplasma particularly forA. PigsB. RatsC. CatsD. HumanQuestion 356 of 600Question 357 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs357. The natural reservoir for the M. tuberculosis isA. goatsB. cattle'sC. humanD. pigsQuestion 357 of 600Question 358 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs358. The causative agent for the Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis isA. Ehrlichia equiB. E. chaffeensisC. CitrobacterD. E.ColiQuestion 358 of 600Question 359 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs359. The gram-positive rod that causes food poisoning is calledA. Bacillus anthracisB. BacillusC. Bacillus cerusD. Bacillus sabtlisQuestion 359 of 600Question 360 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs360. Example of Actinomycetes is a normal flora of the oral cavity known asA. FungiB. Actinomycetes israeliiC. HyphaeD. Nocardia asteroidsQuestion 360 of 600Question 361 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs361. The penicillinase-producing strain is isolated from the patients that exhibit high-level resistance inA. 1984B. 1976C. 1967D. 1973Question 361 of 600Question 362 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs362. Brazilian purpuric fever is caused byA. H. pyloriB. Haemophilus pneumoniaeC. Haemophilus aegyptiusD. Haemophilus influenzaeQuestion 362 of 600Question 363 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs363. E. chaffeensis primarily infect theA. Mononucleotide leukocytesB. SerumC. PlasmaD. Red blood cellQuestion 363 of 600Question 364 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs364. The most common example of spirochetes areA. MycolasmaB. BorreliaC. Mycobacterium lepraeD. TreponemaQuestion 364 of 600Question 365 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs365. Shigellosis is a disease found particularly inA. HumanB. PigsC. GoatsD. RatsQuestion 365 of 600Question 366 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs366. A rare disease called rickettsialpox caused by R. Akari found in densely populated areas ofA. IndiaB. EnglandC. United states of AmericaD. ChinaQuestion 366 of 600Question 367 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs367. Spirochetes have a distinctive quality that they areA. FlexibleB. CoccobacillusC. MotileD. RigidQuestion 367 of 600Question 368 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs368. A life-threatening childhood infection characterized by the shocks and purpura is known asA. FeverB. Childhood infectionC. Brazilian purpuric feverD. Death feverQuestion 368 of 600Question 369 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs369. Acinetobacter was previously named asA. Herella and MinaB. Herellea onlyC. Mina onlyD. streptococcusQuestion 369 of 600Question 370 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs370. Scaled skin syndrome in young children is caused by a toxin calledA. EnterotoxinsB. ExfoliatinC. EndotoxinsD. P-V leukocidinQuestion 370 of 600Question 371 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs371. The portal of entry for H. influenza isA. MouthB. Genital tractC. SkinD. Upper respiratory tractQuestion 371 of 600Question 372 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs372. The drug of choice for the Tularemia isA. CephalosporinsB. StreptomycinC. Beta lactamD. Pencillin GQuestion 372 of 600Question 373 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs373. M. Bovis is also a causative agent for Tuberculosis in human and is transmitted byA. PoultryB. Goat's milkC. Camel's milkD. Cow's milkQuestion 373 of 600Question 374 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs374. E. coli can fermentA. GalactoseB. LactoseC. MaltoseD. SucroseQuestion 374 of 600Question 375 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs375. The strains that are produced from the enterotoxins do not causeA. InflammationB. RashC. DysenteryD. PlagueQuestion 375 of 600Question 376 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs376. According to the rate of growth, the atypical bacteria are classified intoA. 4 classesB. 2 classesC. 5 classesD. 3 classesQuestion 376 of 600Question 377 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs377. Gangrene is caused byA. Clostridium tetaniB. Clostridium perfringensC. Clostridium difficileD. Clostridium botulinumQuestion 377 of 600Question 378 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs378. A pathogen and pleomorphic is known asA. Bacillus sabtilisB. Bartonella henselaeC. S. aureusD. TreponemaQuestion 378 of 600Question 379 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs379. A disease characterized by prolonged weight loss polyarthritis and diarrhea is known asA. ArthritisB. Urinogenital tractC. Whipple s diseaseD. SyphilisQuestion 379 of 600Question 380 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs380. Which symbol is used in an unknown causative agent?A. QB. RC. PD. SQuestion 380 of 600Question 381 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs381. Enterocolitis is caused byA. E.ColiB. Yersinia pestisC. Yersinia pseudotuberculosisD. Yersinia enterocoliticaQuestion 381 of 600Question 382 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs382. Treponema pallidum is transmitted by theA. Respiratory aerosolB. Intimate contactC. Gastrointestinal tractD. Blood transfusionQuestion 382 of 600Question 383 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs383. Replacing fever is caused byA. B. recurrentisB. L. interrogansC. B. burgdorferiD. T. pallidumQuestion 383 of 600Question 384 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs384. Achromobacter are mostlyA. Epidemic pathogensB. Endemic pathogensC. Opportunists pathogensD. Viral pathogensQuestion 384 of 600Question 385 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs385. A medical condition lack of appetite for food is a major symptom known asA. UlcerB. Stomach problemC. AnorexiaD. MalaiseQuestion 385 of 600Question 386 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs386. Tularemia is a zoonotic disease that is caused byA. Yersinia pestisB. Francisella tularensisC. Brucella specieD. E. coliQuestion 386 of 600Question 387 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs387. The small gram-positive rods called as Brucella lacksA. ChromosomesB. Nucleic acidC. CapsulesD. ProteinsQuestion 387 of 600Question 388 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs388. The only bacteria that are acid-fast Bacillus isA. Francisella tularensisB. Yersinia specieC. MycobacteriaD. Brucella specieQuestion 388 of 600Question 389 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs389. A human pathogen that causes abscesses of tonsils sinuses and brain in mixed anaerobic infection is known asA. EikenellaB. Veillonella parvulaC. WolbachiaD. TreponemaQuestion 389 of 600Question 390 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs390. The animal sources for the Brucella includes cattle goats sheep andA. fowlB. chickensC. pigsD. reptilesQuestion 390 of 600Question 391 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs391. In premature infants, the sepsis and meningitis is caused byA. ChromobacterB. Chryseobavterium meningosepticumC. CitrobacterD. Ehrlichia equiQuestion 391 of 600Question 392 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs392. The drug used for the gonococcal infection isA. CeftriaxoneB. VancomycinC. Pencillin GD. StreptograminsQuestion 392 of 600Question 393 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs393. Gram-negative human pathogens include N. gonorrhea andA. S. aureusB. DiplococcusC. E. coliD. N. meningitisQuestion 393 of 600Question 394 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs394. The portal of entry for clostridium tetani isA. WoundB. LesionsC. MouthD. NoseQuestion 394 of 600Question 395 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs395. In the human body, the Brucella resides in theA. Reticuloendothelial systemB. Respiratory tractC. Genital TractD. Gastrointestinal tractQuestion 395 of 600Question 396 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs396. The term endocarditis refers to asA. Damaged mucousB. Damaged lungsC. Damaged heart valveD. Damaged skinQuestion 396 of 600Question 397 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs397. Arizona is a pathogen that belongs to a family calledA. FungiB. AlgaeC. EnteriobacteriaceaeD. AngiospermQuestion 397 of 600Question 398 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs398. Genus chryseobacterium is also known asA. EdwardsiellaB. FlavobacteriumC. EikenellaD. CitrobacterQuestion 398 of 600Question 399 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs399. The inflammatory disease of pelvic is caused byA. Mycoplasma hominisB. MycolasmaC. Mycoplasma pneumoniaeD. Mycobacterium lepraeQuestion 399 of 600Question 400 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs400. Klebsilla is residing inA. Nose of humansB. Gut of humanC. Eyes of humansD. Colon of humanQuestion 400 of 600Question 401 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs401. The scientific study to test the blood serum is known asA. Blood cultureB. DiagnosisC. SerologyD. AnalysisQuestion 401 of 600Question 402 of 600 Loading...Normal Flora and Major Pathogens MCQs402. The portal of entry for the Bacillus cereus isA. MouthB. Respiratory tractC. Genital tractD. NoseQuestion 402 of 600Question 403 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs403. The intermediate host for the Schistosoma japonicum isA. AscarisB. SnailC. SheepD. TapewormQuestion 403 of 600Question 404 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs404. The mode of transmission for T. rhodesiense isA. Sand-flyB. Reduviid bugC. BugsD. Tsetse flyQuestion 404 of 600Question 405 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs405. Chagas disease is caused byA. L. tropicaB. T. tropicC. T. cruziD. T. rhodesienseQuestion 405 of 600Question 406 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs406. The amoebic dysentery is caused byA. T. tropicaB. T. cruziC. Giardia lambliaD. Entamoeba histolyticaQuestion 406 of 600Question 407 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs407. Toxoplasmosis is caused byA. T. tropicB. L. tropicaC. T. cruziD. T. gondiiQuestion 407 of 600Question 408 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs408. Whipworm is caused byA. TrichinosisB. TrichurisC. AscarisD. HookwormQuestion 408 of 600Question 409 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs409. The disease caused by the Taenia solium is calledA. TaeniasisB. CysticercosisC. PhyllobothriumD. DysenteryQuestion 409 of 600Question 410 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs410. The fungus that affects the intestines in human is known asA. Diphyllobothrium latumB. Echinococcus granulosisC. Taenia saginataD. Taenia soliumQuestion 410 of 600Question 411 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs411. The deer fly bite is the mode of transmission forA. WuchereriaB. OnchocercaC. AncylostomaD. LoaQuestion 411 of 600Question 412 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs412. The inflammation of the cornea usually occurs in wearing contact lenses the resulting inflammation is known asA. dysenteryB. DiarrhoeaC. cornea disorderD. keratitisQuestion 412 of 600Question 413 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs413. The sexual cycle for the plasmodium isA. SpongiformB. SporogonyC. SporangiumD. GametogonyQuestion 413 of 600Question 414 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs414. Dracunculus is the causative agent for theA. PinwormB. AnisakiasisC. Guinea wormD. HookwormQuestion 414 of 600Question 415 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs415. P. falciparum is transmitted byA. CatsB. BugsC. Ades mosquitoD. Anopheles mosquitoQuestion 415 of 600Question 416 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs416. The mode of transmission for Wuchereria isA. fleesB. deer fly biteC. blackfly biteD. mosquito biteQuestion 416 of 600Question 417 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs417. The only ciliated protozoan that causes diarrhea in human isA. BalantidiumB. CyclosporaC. IsosporaD. BabesiaQuestion 417 of 600Question 418 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs418. The intermediate host for the Echinococcus granulosus isA. CattlesB. PigsC. SheepD. FishQuestion 418 of 600Question 419 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs419. The mode of transmission for Babesia isA. Ixodes damminiB. Ades mosquitoC. MitesD. Anopheles mosquitoQuestion 419 of 600Question 420 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs420. Amoebic dysentery is prevalent amongA. FemalesB. Male homosexualsC. Female homosexualsD. MalesQuestion 420 of 600Question 421 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs421. T. rhodesiense is the causative agent for theA. Sleeping sicknessB. DysenteryC. T. cruziD. Amoebic dysenteryQuestion 421 of 600Question 422 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs422. Crab is the intermediate host for theA. clonorchis sinensisB. Schistosoma mansoniC. Schistosoma japonicumD. Paragonimus westermaniQuestion 422 of 600Question 423 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs423. American trypanosomiasis is also called asA. PlasmolysisB. Whooping coughC. FeverD. Chagas diseaseQuestion 423 of 600Question 424 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs424. In the mode of transmission for Schistosoma mansoni, the penetration is inA. MucousB. IntestineC. BloodD. SkinQuestion 424 of 600Question 425 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs425. Pinworm is caused byA. AscarisB. EnterobiusC. TrichinellaD. AnisakisQuestion 425 of 600Question 426 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs426. The study of parasites is known asA. BacteriologyB. ParasitologyC. VirologyD. BiologyQuestion 426 of 600Question 427 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs427. The intermediate host for the Taenia solium isA. CattlesB. PigsC. FishD. SheepQuestion 427 of 600Question 428 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs428. Fish is the intermediate host for theA. clonorchis sinensisB. Paragonimus westermaniC. Schistosoma japonicumD. Schistosoma mansoniQuestion 428 of 600Question 429 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs429. The vector for the Chagas disease isA. Reduviid bugsB. FleesC. MosquitoesD. BugsQuestion 429 of 600Question 430 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs430. The larvae of Taenia solium causesA. DysenteryB. CysticercosisC. PhyllobothriumD. TaeniasisQuestion 430 of 600Question 431 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs431. Visceral Leishmania is caused byA. Leishmania donovaniB. Leishmania tropicaC. Leishmania mexicanaD. T. tropicQuestion 431 of 600Question 432 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs432. The rounded head of the tapeworm is calledA. JointB. NeckC. ScolexD. ProglottidsQuestion 432 of 600Question 433 of 600 Loading...Parasites MCQs433. Fish is the intermediate host for theA. Taenia soliumB. Echinococcus granulosisC. Diphyllobothrium latumD. Taenia saginataQuestion 433 of 600Question 434 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs434. Water is the mode of transmission forA. Lyme diseasesB. TetanusC. Cat-scratch feverD. Legionnaire s diseaseQuestion 434 of 600Question 435 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs435. A microorganism can cause a disease calledA. DetrimentalB. VirulenceC. Disease causingD. PathogensQuestion 435 of 600Question 436 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs436. Reservoir for the mycobacterium bovis isA. goatsB. ticksC. cattle'sD. cowsQuestion 436 of 600Question 437 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs437. Papillomavirus enters the body throughA. skinB. eyeC. mouthD. noseQuestion 437 of 600Question 438 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs438. Warts in human are caused by the virusA. ArenavirusB. PapillomavirusC. Rubella virusD. AdenovirusQuestion 438 of 600Question 439 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs439. Treponema pallidum is transmitted via transplacental mode and is the causative agent forA. Congenital syphilisB. Hydrops fetalisC. ThrushD. ToxoplasmosisQuestion 439 of 600Question 440 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs440. Person to person transmission of pathogens is termed asA. Cylindrical transmissionB. Horizontal transmissionC. lateral transmissionD. Vertical transmissionQuestion 440 of 600Question 441 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs441. Polypeptides that are secreted by the bacterial cell and released outside calledA. EndotoxinsB. Virulent factorsC. ExotoxinsD. ToxinsQuestion 441 of 600Question 442 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs442. The fever may inhibit the process of replication inA. AlgaeB. VirusC. FungiD. BacteriaQuestion 442 of 600Question 443 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs443. After a viral infection, the humans and other animals produce a heterogeneous group of glycoproteins named asA. InterferonsB. LymphocytesC. Killer cellsD. Alpha and beta cellsQuestion 443 of 600Question 444 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs444. Adenovirus is involved in causingA. RabiesB. FeverC. PneumoniaD. TyphoidQuestion 444 of 600Question 445 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs445. Tularemia is a disease transmitted usingA. BeesB. MitesC. FliesD. TicksQuestion 445 of 600Question 446 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs446. The portal of entry for rotavirus isA. MouthB. Gastrointestinal tractC. Genital tractD. Respiratory tractQuestion 446 of 600Question 447 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs447. What is the size of lambda bacteriophage?A. 300 nmB. 100 nmC. 200 nmD. 400 nmQuestion 447 of 600Question 448 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs448. Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis that enters the body viaA. MucosaB. Gastrointestinal tractC. Respiratory tractD. SkinQuestion 448 of 600Question 449 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs449. Candida Albicans enters the body throughA. MouthB. Genital tractC. Respiratory tractD. SkinQuestion 449 of 600Question 450 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs450. Bacterial toxins that are lipopolysaccharides in nature and are an integral part of the bacterial cell wall are calledA. EctotoxinB. ToxinC. ExotoxinsD. EndotoxinsQuestion 450 of 600Question 451 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs451. HIV is transmitted within theA. ColonB. SkinC. MouthD. Birth canalQuestion 451 of 600Question 452 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs452. A constantly consistent infection in a specific population at a low level is termed asA. PandemicB. EndemicC. EpidemicD. WorldwideQuestion 452 of 600Question 453 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs453. The cells that are not specific in action and are a type of white blood cells are known asA. EndocytesB. Defensive cellC. Natural killing cellsD. PhagocytesQuestion 453 of 600Question 454 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs454. Gonorrhea is a disease that is transmitted from person to person mainly transmitted throughA. HuggingB. Intimate contactC. Hand shakeD. KissingQuestion 454 of 600Question 455 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs455. The reservoir for the rabies virus isA. ShrunkB. all of aboveC. RaccoonsD. BatsQuestion 455 of 600Question 456 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs456. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes as the name indicate show the variable shape ofA. NucleusB. RibosomesC. MitochondriaD. CytoplasmQuestion 456 of 600Question 457 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs457. The portal of entry for HIV isA. noseB. mouthC. skinD. bloodQuestion 457 of 600Question 458 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs458. Diseases caused by the bacteria follow two major mechanisms namely toxin productions andA. inflammation onlyB. infectionC. inflammation and invasionD. Invasion onlyQuestion 458 of 600Question 459 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs459. Sepsis is transmitted byA. milkB. seafoodC. breast feedingD. meatQuestion 459 of 600Question 460 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs460. Chickenpox is the disease caused byA. RotavirusB. Varicella-zoster virusC. Rubella virusD. HantavirusQuestion 460 of 600Question 461 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs461. The pathogens that can cause serious infections in immunocompromised patients are calledA. Lethal pathogensB. Opportunistic pathogensC. Infectious pathogensD. Virulent pathogensQuestion 461 of 600Question 462 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs462. Parvovirus B19 is a bacteria follow the transplacental mode of transmission causes a disease named asA. Hydrops fetalisB. ToxoplasmosisC. ThrushD. SyphilisQuestion 462 of 600Question 463 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs463. Breast milk is a mode of transmission forA. Human T-cell leukaemia virusB. ParvovirusC. E.coliD. TreponemaQuestion 463 of 600Question 464 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs464. Bacillus cereus is a human pathogen that is transmitted due toA. MilkB. Cooked meatC. Reheated riceD. SeafoodQuestion 464 of 600Question 465 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs465. The alternative name for the polymorphonuclear leukocytes isA. PhagesB. LeukocytesC. ErthyrocytesD. GranulocytesQuestion 465 of 600Question 466 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs466. Civet cat is a reservoir for theA. CoronavirusB. AdenovirusC. Rabies virusD. Rubella virusQuestion 466 of 600Question 467 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs467. If an infection has a worldwide distribution it is termed asA. epidemicB. latentC. endemicD. pandemicQuestion 467 of 600Question 468 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs468. Water is the portal of entry for leptospira inter organs that causesA. Acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS)B. Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV)C. LeprosyD. LeptopirosisQuestion 468 of 600Question 469 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs469. Wild birds are the reservoir for theA. Avian influenza virusB. Encephalitis virusesC. Dengue virusD. Rabies virusQuestion 469 of 600Question 470 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs470. Mode of transmission of the cytomegalovirus isA. foodB. milkC. monkeysD. breast feedingQuestion 470 of 600Question 471 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs471. Cytomegalovirus is a pathogen that is transferred throughA. SoilB. WaterC. AirD. Breast feedingQuestion 471 of 600Question 472 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs472. The presence of a new organism that is not causing any symptom and is not a member of the normal flora known asA. Local populationB. Neutral speciesC. ColonizationsD. Normal specieQuestion 472 of 600Question 473 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs473. Gonorrhea is a disease that is caused by Neisseria gonorrhea may get an entry in the body throughA. Respiratory tractB. Genital tractC. Gastrointestinal tractD. Urinary tractQuestion 473 of 600Question 474 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs474. Portal of entry for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isA. NoseB. RespiratoryC. Gastrointestinal tractD. SkinQuestion 474 of 600Question 475 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs475. The portal of entry for the rubella virus isA. Urinary tractB. Respiratory tractC. NoseD. Genital organsQuestion 475 of 600Question 476 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs476. The transmission of pathogens during pregnancy from mother to child is calledA. Vertical transmissionB. Horizontal transmissionC. Direct transmissionD. Indirect transmissionQuestion 476 of 600Question 477 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs477. Tetanus is transmitted throughA. WaterB. SneezingC. SoilD. AirQuestion 477 of 600Question 478 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs478. Meningoencephalitis is a disease caused byA. Naegleria fowleriB. tetaniC. candida albicansD. neisseriaQuestion 478 of 600Question 479 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs479. Genital tract is a portal of entry forA. Neisseria gonorrhoeaeB. Candida albicansC. Human papilloma virusD. all of aboveQuestion 479 of 600Question 480 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs480. A family of the positively charged peptides that have antiviral activity is named asA. Beta DefensinB. LeukocytesC. GranulocytesD. DefensinQuestion 480 of 600Question 481 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs481. Diarrhea in infants is caused byA. RotavirusB. ReovirusC. RetrovirusD. AdenovirusQuestion 481 of 600Question 482 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs482. AIDS is caused by which one?A. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)B. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)C. Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)D. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)Question 482 of 600Question 483 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs483. Cat bite is the mode of transmission forA. Salmonella enteritidisB. Yersinia pestisC. Pasteurella multocidaD. E.coliQuestion 483 of 600Question 484 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs484. The quantitative measurement of pathogenicity is termed asA. Virulent factorB. VirulenceC. Infectious measurementD. Disease measurementQuestion 484 of 600Question 485 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs485. Vibrio cholera enter in the body via gastrointestinal tract and causesA. MeaslesB. MumpsC. CholeraD. FeverQuestion 485 of 600Question 486 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs486. Rhinovirus is a causative agent for the common cold that enters the human body throughA. Respiratory tractB. Gastrointestinal tractC. MouthD. SkinQuestion 486 of 600Question 487 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs487. Which is not included in the portal of entry of skin?A. PoliovirusB. Rabies virusC. Clostridium tetaniD. Plasmodium vivaxQuestion 487 of 600Question 488 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs488. AIDS stands forA. Death feverB. Human immunodeficiency virusC. Acquired infection disordersD. Acquired immunodeficiency syndromeQuestion 488 of 600Question 489 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs489. APOBEC3G refers toA. Beta DefensinB. White blood cellsC. Apolipoprotein B ribonucleic acid-Editing EnzymeD. Alpha DefensinQuestion 489 of 600Question 490 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs490. Bronchiolitis is a disease caused by the virusA. Respiratory syncytial virusB. Papilloma virusC. RotavirusD. Varicella-zoster virusQuestion 490 of 600Question 491 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs491. A type of phagocytes that are responsible for the detection destroying and engulfing the pathogens are named asA. BacteriophagesB. MacrophagesC. PhagesD. MicophagesQuestion 491 of 600Question 492 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs492. leukemia is caused byA. Human T cell lymphotrophic virusB. Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV)C. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)D. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)Question 492 of 600Question 493 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs493. The reservoir for the avian influenza virus isA. SparrowsB. Chickens onlyC. Fowls onlyD. Chickens and FowlsQuestion 493 of 600Question 494 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs494. The reservoir for the dengue virus isA. MonkeysB. BatsC. DeersD. FowlsQuestion 494 of 600Question 495 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs495. The reservoir for the rat fleas known to be aA. PigB. RatC. HumanD. BatQuestion 495 of 600Question 496 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs496. Interferons stop the growth of the viruses by blocking the translation of viralA. CapsidsB. CapsomereC. ProteinsD. GlycoproteinsQuestion 496 of 600Question 497 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs497. Entry portal for the influenza virus isA. skinB. respiratory tractC. mouthD. gastrointestinal tractQuestion 497 of 600Question 498 of 600 Loading...Pathogenesis MCQs498. The animal reservoir for the HantavirusesA. FowlsB. MonkeysC. Civet catD. DeerQuestion 498 of 600Question 499 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs499. The pore size of nitrocellulose isA. 0.23 µmB. 0.21 µmC. 0.22 µmD. 0.26 µmQuestion 499 of 600Question 500 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs500. The method which is used primarily for the purification of milk is calledA. AutoclavingB. EthanolC. PasteurizationD. SterilizationQuestion 500 of 600Question 501 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs501. For the purification of swimming pools and water supplies of chemical used isA. AlcoholB. ChlorineC. Heavy metalsD. IodineQuestion 501 of 600Question 502 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs502. Removal and killing of all microorganisms is known asA. sterilizationB. removalC. destructionD. pasteurizationQuestion 502 of 600Question 503 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs503. The process of killing or removal of microorganism is known asA. PasteurizationB. SterilizationC. DestructionD. DisinfectantQuestion 503 of 600Question 504 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs504. During pasteurization, the milk is heated for 30 minutes atA. 97 °CB. 72 °CC. 61 °CD. 83 °CQuestion 504 of 600Question 505 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs505. Sterilization is done by autoclave consisting of exposure to stream aboutA. 170 °CB. 120 °CC. 116 °CD. 121 °CQuestion 505 of 600Question 506 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs506. The filters that are commonly used known asA. filter paperB. sievesC. nitrocelluloseD. filtration tubesQuestion 506 of 600Question 507 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs507. The temperature range for pasteurization isA. 121 °C-130 °CB. 62 °C-72 °CC. 65 °C-75 °CD. 60 °C-70 °CQuestion 507 of 600Question 508 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs508. The temperature required for the sterilization with dry heat isA. 180 °CB. 189 °CC. 183 °CD. 190 °CQuestion 508 of 600Question 509 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs509. The method used for the sterilization of solutions is calledA. RadiationsB. FiltrationC. SterilizationD. AutoclavingQuestion 509 of 600Question 510 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs510. Contact lenses and wounds are cleaned by an antiseptic named asA. Hydrogen peroxideB. IodineC. TinctureD. ChlorineQuestion 510 of 600Question 511 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs511. In hospitals, the surgical instruments and plastics are washed withA. Ethylene oxideB. TinctureC. ChlorineD. IodineQuestion 511 of 600Question 512 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs512. Before the immunization, the skin is cleaned withA. DetergentsB. AlcoholC. EthanolD. InsecticidesQuestion 512 of 600Question 513 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs513. The time duration for the pasteurization isA. 20 minutesB. 15 minutesC. 11 minutesD. 30 minutesQuestion 513 of 600Question 514 of 600 Loading...Sterilization and Disinfectants MCQs514. A chemical used for the removal of microorganisms from the mucous membrane and skin calledA. AlcoholB. PesticidesC. AntisepticsD. DetergentsQuestion 514 of 600Question 515 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs515. In the human tissues, the adherence of bacteria ultimately causes infection to the humans is mediated by theA. FlagellaB. Cell wallC. SugarsD. CapsuleQuestion 515 of 600Question 516 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs516. The flagellum is made up ofA. LipidsB. PolysaccharidesC. SugarsD. ProteinsQuestion 516 of 600Question 517 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs517. What is the approximate number of genes in humans in contrast to prokaryotes?A. 100000B. 1000000C. 200000D. 10000Question 517 of 600Question 518 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs518. The circular DNA present in the prokaryotes has the molecular weightA. 2 x 10(to the power of 8)B. 2 x 10(to the power of 7)C. 2 x 10(to the power of 10)D. 2 x 10(to the power of 9)Question 518 of 600Question 519 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs519. Endotoxin is present in the outer membrane of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria known asA. PolysaccharidesB. SugarsC. LipopolysaccharidesD. LipidQuestion 519 of 600Question 520 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs520. The flagellum is the bacteria is the part that helps inA. MovementB. SelectionC. DigestionD. RespirationQuestion 520 of 600Question 521 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs521. A polysaccharide that helps the bacteria in adherence to the surface is named asA. GranuleB. NucleoidC. GlycocalyxD. MesosomeQuestion 521 of 600Question 522 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs522. The circular double-stranded and extrachromosomal DNA can replicate independently of the bacterial chromosome calledA. TemplateB. PlasmidC. CosmicD. VectorQuestion 522 of 600Question 523 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs523. Pleomorphic is the term used particularly for bacteria havingA. One shapeB. SpiralsC. RodsD. Variable shapeQuestion 523 of 600Question 524 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs524. Bacilli are the term used forA. Cluster shaped bacteriaB. Rod shaped bacteriaC. Spiral bacteriaD. Round bacteriaQuestion 524 of 600Question 525 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs525. Peptidoglycan is the essential sugar present in the bacterialA. CytoplasmB. RibosomeC. NucleusD. Cell wallQuestion 525 of 600Question 526 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs526. Based on shape bacterias are classified intoA. 4 GroupsB. 2 GroupsC. 3 GroupsD. 5 GroupsQuestion 526 of 600Question 527 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs527. The gap between the outer membrane and plasma membrane is named asA. PeriplasmaB. MesodermC. PlasmaD. MetadermQuestion 527 of 600Question 528 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs528. The process of formation of spores in certain bacterias is termed asA. Resistant structure formationB. Spore formationC. SporulationD. CapsulesQuestion 528 of 600Question 529 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs529. In many clinical laboratories, the swelling phenomena help in identification of the certain organism named asA. SwellingB. IdentificationC. PathologyD. Quelling reactionQuestion 529 of 600Question 530 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs530. The toxin produced by some bacterial species that is lethal to other bacterias is named asA. Bacterial toxinB. Lethal secretionC. BacteriocinsD. PoisonQuestion 530 of 600Question 531 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs531. β lactamase is the enzyme that is present inA. RibosomeB. PeriplasmaC. CytoplasmD. CytosolQuestion 531 of 600Question 532 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs532. The size of the bacteria ranges fromA. 0.02-0.2 µmB. 0.2-5 µmC. 0.3-4 µmD. 0.2-0.4 µmQuestion 532 of 600Question 533 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs533. The approximate number of gene in the prokaryotic DNA isA. 2500B. 2000C. 2100D. 200Question 533 of 600Question 534 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs534. The site for the nutrients in the cytoplasm isA. CytosolB. VacuoleC. Food vacuoleD. GranulesQuestion 534 of 600Question 535 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs535. A piece of DNA having the ability to move from one site to another either between the DNA s of plas- mids bacterias bacteriophages or within the DNA molecule is calledA. TemplateB. PlasmidC. TransposonsD. VectorQuestion 535 of 600Question 536 of 600 Loading...Structure of Bacterial Cells MCQs536. The attachment of the staphylococci to the mucosal cells is mediated byA. Sulphuric acidB. LipopolysaccharidesC. PolysaccharidesD. Teichoic acidQuestion 536 of 600Question 537 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs537. The defective viruses having proteins and nucleic acid but cannot replicate withoutA. VirionB. BacteriophageC. PrionD. Helper virusQuestion 537 of 600Question 538 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs538. A single glycoprotein that is present in the prion having an approximate molecular weight ranges fromA. 2500-3000B. 4000-4500C. 3000-3500D. 27000-30000Question 538 of 600Question 539 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs539. Hollow coil-like arrangement of the capsomeres that looks like a rod-shaped is known asA. SpiralB. TriangularC. IcosahedralD. HelicalQuestion 539 of 600Question 540 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs540. Pseudovirus can infect the cell but cannotA. TranslateB. AttachC. ReplicateD. DividedQuestion 540 of 600Question 541 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs541. The nucleic acid of the viruses includingA. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)B. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) onlyC. Amino acidsD. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) onlyQuestion 541 of 600Question 542 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs542. A single copy of genome in all viruses put it into a cell known asA. HaploidB. EuploidC. DiploidD. PolyploidQuestion 542 of 600Question 543 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs543. The presence of a solely single molecule of circular DNA is the specialty of theA. ViroidB. PrionC. VirionD. BacteriophagesQuestion 543 of 600Question 544 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs544. The size range of the virus isA. 80-350nmB. 20-300 nmC. 40-300nmD. 50-300nmQuestion 544 of 600Question 545 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs545. All the helical viruses are enclosed in nucleocapsid known asA. BoundaryB. Cell membraneC. EnvelopD. Cell wallQuestion 545 of 600Question 546 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs546. The missing function of the defective viruses provided by the help ofA. VirionB. PrionC. Helper virusD. BacteriophagesQuestion 546 of 600Question 547 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs547. The protein coat capsid of the viruses made up of repeated subunits named asA. NucleotidesB. Amino acidsC. ProteinsD. CapsomereQuestion 547 of 600Question 548 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs548. When the capsomeres are arranged in 20 triangles the resulting structure is called asA. TriangularB. SpiralC. HelicalD. IcosahedralQuestion 548 of 600Question 549 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs549. The capsid proteins and nucleic acid genome combines to formA. CapsidB. CapsomereC. NucleocapsidD. Nucleic acidQuestion 549 of 600Question 550 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs550. In the virion structure, the regulatory protein is present which is known asA. CoatB. TegumentC. Cell membraneD. AntigenQuestion 550 of 600Question 551 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs551. Attachment of the viruses to the receptors and the protection of the genetic material is mediated by theA. CapsidB. EnvelopC. Cell wallD. Cell membraneQuestion 551 of 600Question 552 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs552. Viroid cause diseases rarely in humans but mostly inA. animalsB. camelsC. plantsD. horsesQuestion 552 of 600Question 553 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs553. The outer viral proteins also act asA. AntibodyB. ReceptorC. CoatD. AntigenQuestion 553 of 600Question 554 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs554. Which one is not present in Viroid?A. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)B. Cell membraneC. EnvelopD. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)Question 554 of 600Question 555 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs555. Which one is not present in Prions?A. ProteinsB. EnvelopeC. CapsidsD. Nucleic acidsQuestion 555 of 600Question 556 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs556. The infective and complete form of the virus with core RNA and capsid outside the host cell is calledA. BacteriophagesB. VirusC. PrionD. VirionQuestion 556 of 600Question 557 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs557. The DNA present in the viruses havingA. A single moleculeB. Several moleculesC. ClustersD. Double moleculeQuestion 557 of 600Question 558 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs558. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease a human disease caused byA. prionB. virusC. viroidD. phageQuestion 558 of 600Question 559 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs559. The viruses that contain the host cell DNA instead of viral DNA is known asA. VirionB. PseudovirusesC. PrionD. BacteriophagesQuestion 559 of 600Question 560 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs560. The attachment of the receptors and virus known to beA. irregularB. specificC. randomD. regularQuestion 560 of 600Question 561 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs561. All viruses are haploid exceptA. Pox virusesB. RetrovirusC. ParvovirusD. Influenza virusQuestion 561 of 600Question 562 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs562. Infectious particles that composed solely of proteins is known asA. BacteriophagesB. PhageC. VirionD. PrionsQuestion 562 of 600Question 563 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs563. The virus size is determined by the protein coat named asA. CapsidB. Cell wallC. CapsomereD. Cell membraneQuestion 563 of 600Question 564 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs564. Prions are remarkably resistant to formaldehyde andA. BasesB. NucleasesC. BuffersD. AcidsQuestion 564 of 600Question 565 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs565. The envelope of the virus a lipoprotein membrane composed of derivatives of the lipid from host cell membrane and protein known to be aA. NeutralB. Host specificC. CapsidD. Virus-specificQuestion 565 of 600Question 566 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs566. In sheep, the prions are causative agent forA. Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseB. ScrapieC. CancerD. UlcerQuestion 566 of 600Question 567 of 600 Loading...Structure of Viruses MCQs567. Prions are the normal human proteins and they do not cause anyA. NeutralB. Inflammatory responseC. Harmful responseD. ScratchesQuestion 567 of 600Question 568 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs568. The isoniazid can terminate the synthesis ofA. Hydrochloric acidB. Mycolic acidC. Nitric acidD. Folic acidQuestion 568 of 600Question 569 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs569. The inhibition of protein synthesis by Chloramphenicol is the result of its bonding withA. 30S ribosomal unitB. 70S ribosomal unitC. 60S ribosomal unitD. 50S ribosomal unitQuestion 569 of 600Question 570 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs570. Mycoplasma and Legionella are causative agents for pneumonia that is treated byA. ErythromycinB. StreptomycinC. AmikacinD. ClindamycinQuestion 570 of 600Question 571 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs571. The passage of antibodies from one person to another is calledA. DefenseB. Innate immunityC. Active immunityD. Passive immunityQuestion 571 of 600Question 572 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs572. Monobactams have tremendous activity against the gram-negative rods includingA. StreptomycesB. DiplobacillusC. BacillusD. PseudomonasQuestion 572 of 600Question 573 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs573. A synthetic substitute synthesized by the causative agent of the disease in treating a variety of dis- eases known asA. AntibioticB. VaccineC. AntibodyD. DrugQuestion 573 of 600Question 574 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs574. The bond between 50s ribosomal subunit and chloramphenicol during the inhibition of protein syn- thesis is at the active site of the enzyme named asA. AmylaseB. PeptidaseC. LipaseD. TransferaseQuestion 574 of 600Question 575 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs575. The surgical staphylococcal wound infection is prevented by the drugA. ErythromycinB. RifampinC. AmoxicillinD. CefazolinQuestion 575 of 600Question 576 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs576. Ergosterol synthesis is terminated by an antifungal drug called asA. AzolesB. NystatinC. Amphotericin BD. FlucytosineQuestion 576 of 600Question 577 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs577. A second line drug that is used for the treatment of tuberculosis is calledA. VancomycinB. MonobactamsC. CephalosporinD. CycloserineQuestion 577 of 600Question 578 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs578. Topoisomerases are also known asA. AmylaseB. GyraseC. LigaseD. PolymeraseQuestion 578 of 600Question 579 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs579. Plague and brucellosis is the condition that is treated byA. IsoniazidB. LinezolidC. VancomycinD. StreptomycinQuestion 579 of 600Question 580 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs580. A polyene named as nystatin hasA. Antifungal activityB. NeutralC. Antiviral activityD. Antibacterial activityQuestion 580 of 600Question 581 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs581. B and T cells are the two types of white blood cells that mediate theA. Active immunityB. Passive immunityC. ImmunityD. ResistanceQuestion 581 of 600Question 582 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs582. Drugs that inhibit the cross-linking step in the synthesis of murine inhibits the activity of the enzyme known asA. AmylaseB. ProteaseC. Trans peptidasesD. LipaseQuestion 582 of 600Question 583 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs583. A class of protein functions as antibodies present in cells and serum of the immune system calledA. HemeoglobinB. MyoglobinC. ImmunoglobinD. Globular proteinsQuestion 583 of 600Question 584 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs584. The vaccine used for the treatment of tuberculosis isA. BacteriocinsB. Measles, Mumps, Rubella VaccineC. MMR vaccineD. Bacilli Chalmette GuerinQuestion 584 of 600Question 585 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs585. A drug that is approved by the government in treating a particular disease is calledA. Second line drugB. ChemotherapyC. Drug therapyD. First line drugQuestion 585 of 600Question 586 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs586. The drugs that are the structural analog of Para-aminobenzoic acid includedA. SulfonamidesB. LinezolidC. StreptograminsD. TelithromycinQuestion 586 of 600Question 587 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs587. The agents that used to stop the synthesis of proteins are calledA. BacteriostaticB. Beta lactamC. BactericidalD. BacteriocinsQuestion 587 of 600Question 588 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs588. Staphylococcus epidermis causes an infection that can be treated withA. VancomycinB. BacitracinC. CephalosporinD. CycloserineQuestion 588 of 600Question 589 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs589. The capability of an organism to resist a particular toxin or disease by the action of defense mech- anism is calledA. DefenseB. AbilityC. ResistanceD. ImmunityQuestion 589 of 600Question 590 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs590. A bactericidal drug that inhibits the activity of DNA gyrase ultimately inhibit the synthesis ofA. MitochondriaB. RibosomeC. Bacterial Ribonucleic acid (RNA)D. Bacterial Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)Question 590 of 600Question 591 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs591. To prevent the pathogens the first-line defense mechanism is called asA. DefenseB. Adaptive immunityC. ResistanceD. Innate immunityQuestion 591 of 600Question 592 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs592. Most cephalosporins are products derived from molds of the genusA. CephalosporiumB. ActinomycetesC. AlgaeD. StreptomycesQuestion 592 of 600Question 593 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs593. A glycopeptide that blocks the synthesis of the cell wall by disrupting the activity of transpeptidase is named asA. CarbapenemsB. CephalosporinC. MonobactamsD. VancomycinQuestion 593 of 600Question 594 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs594. A β lactam drug having the same mechanism of action as penicillin known asA. CarbapenemsB. VancomycinC. MonobactamsD. CephalosporinQuestion 594 of 600Question 595 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs595. Penicillin is a drug destroying the cells if they are in a growing stage so in this way penicillin is known to be aA. bacteria inhibitingB. bacteriostaticC. bactericidalD. BacteriocinsQuestion 595 of 600Question 596 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs596. when a standard first-line drug had failed to recover a particular condition a new drug introduced is classified asA. ChemotherapyB. Second line drugC. First line drugsD. Drug therapyQuestion 596 of 600Question 597 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs597. The competition of Para-aminobenzoic acid and sulfonamides occupying the active sites of the en- zyme known asA. TransferaseB. PeptidaseC. Dihydropteroate synthetaseD. LipaseQuestion 597 of 600Question 598 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs598. Vancomycin is effective againstA. Gram positive rodsB. Gram negative bacteriaC. Gram negative rodsD. Gram positive bacteriaQuestion 598 of 600Question 599 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs599. For the prevention of N. meningitides and Haemophilus influenza causes meningitis the drug used to recover isA. IsonazidsB. PenicillinC. PentamidinD. RifampinQuestion 599 of 600Question 600 of 600 Loading...Vaccines, Antimicrobial and Drugs Mechanism MCQs600. The enzymatic activity of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase is stopped by the action of the drug named asA. Dihydropteroate synthetasesB. FlucytosineC. TransferaseD. TrimethoprimQuestion 600 of 600 Loading... 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